A good score is something that people usually want to achieve on an exam. We don’t normally write exams for fun. We have a goal in mind.

In this section, you can find out how to get a good score on LanguageCert. LanguageCert is a range of exams that are offered by Ofqual. Ofqual is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) in England. They handle qualifications, examinations and assessments. It is a globally well-known and respected organization that offers reliable and valid language exams.


How do you go about getting a good exam score on LanguageCERT?
An important first step in achieving a good score on any kind of exam is understanding how the scoring system works: how many points there are for each section or question and what it is that the assessors are looking for. That’s why reading this section is a good idea. We’ll tell you what your score means, and what you are assessed on.

Take some of your time and read through this section. It will inform you and help you to make good decisions for your LanguageCert preparation.

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