You will be sitting for the DELE exam later in the year. You’re going to expend considerable time and effort on the exam, so it is safe to assume that you want to get a good score. After all, when was the last time you sat for an exam and wanted to get a bad score?

With the help of our blogs on DELE, you can achieve better test results. We don’t have any hidden, secret tricks or magical techniques that require no effort or work. What we do have is tips and strategies, based on proven ways to improve your studying and improve your test-taking. As an aside, a lot of people really aren’t very good at writing exams despite the fact that most of us have written numerous exams in our school years. You’ll find info on the scoring and the different levels of DELE, too. It’s always good to know about scoring because it helps you to set goals.


What are the DELE levels?

The DELE exam (Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera) is a diploma of Spanish as a foreign language and is a [...]

How does the scoring work?

The DELE exam is a Spanish foreign language diploma that is a globally recognized test of Spanish proficiency. Candidates can take [...]

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