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The TOEIC and the TOEFL IBT are both English tests that measure your language ability. They are both popular exams and are taken by millions of learners every year. Which is why, in this article we will be going over:

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What Exactly Is the TOEFL and Who Is It Targeted Towards?

The TOEFL is an English language exam that is required by almost all US universities and a few Canadian and Australian Universities as well. All universities around the world require a good proficiency of the English language, and that is why the TOEFL is highly reliable to evaluate foreign students on a fair and universal baseline. The exam is mostly taken by students applying for admission at the bachelor’s, master’s, or Ph.D. level.

What versions of the TOEFL are there?

There are mainly three types of TOEFL:

  • TOEFL IBT, which stands for TOEFL internet-based test. Most of the test centers in the world have an internet-based testing system of TOEFL.
  • TOEFL ITP (previously known as PBT) stands for Institutional Testing Program. Some locations don’t really have a choice if internet facilities and Computers are not available, TOEFL paper-based testing is the only option.
  • TOEFL Primary & Junior, which are both assessments for children aged 8+ and 11+.
  • TOEFL Essentials.

There is also a TOEFL Home Edition, which allows you to take the TOEFL IBT from the comfort of your own home.

The TOEFL IBT tests all four language skills – reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

What is the format of the TOEFL test?

The TOEFL test consists of four tests that work on evaluating your English proficiency and how capable you are of studying at an English-speaking university:

  • Reading: this test is designed to evaluate your ability to read and understand many types of content that are used in an academic environment. It includes up to 4 reading passages, each one is 700 words long. You will need to answer 10 questions per passage and 54-72 minutes to answer everything.
  • Writing: this test is designed to assist your ability to write in English during an academic setting. You will need to present your thoughts and ideas in an understandable, well-organized manner. You will have 50 minutes to finish writing 2 tasks.
  • Speaking: this test is designed to evaluate your ability to speak the English language in an academic setting. You will have 4 tasks that mirror real-life situations that you may experience inside or outside the classroom.
  • Listening: this test is designed to evaluate your ability to understand the lectures and conversations in English. You will be evaluated for basic comprehension and pragmatic understanding, which is the attitude and degree of certainty in the speaker.

What Exactly Is the TOEIC and Who Is It Targeted Towards?

The TOEIC is an exam that measures business English used in the workplace. Numerous companies use the results of this exam to help them decide whether to hire people based on their English proficiency, along with other conditions, of course.

The TOEIC test gives reliable results, assessing proficiency at all levels (beginner to advanced: A1 – C1) in all types of industries.

What versions of the TOEIC are there?

The TOEIC exam is composed of three different tests:

  • The TOEIC Speaking and Writing test: an online test to measure the candidate’s English proficiency from beginner to advanced level;
  • The TOEIC Listening and Reading test: a multiple-choice assessment. that can be taken online or on paper to measure the candidate’s English proficiency from beginner to advanced level;
  • The TOEIC Bridge exam: a way to measure basic to intermediate English proficiency. TOEIC bridge assessments allow the user to objectively and effectively measure all four English communication skills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Each test measures one of the four communication skills and reflects modern language uses and communication methods used in everyday life and workplace scenarios.
    The TOEIC Bridge test will also help you to show recruiters and employers that you are capable of success at their workplace level, you can be placed at the appropriate level in their program, and a lot more.

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Comparison Between the Two English Tests: TOEIC vs TOEFL

So let’s see summarized in this table the differences between the two ETS English exams: the TOEIC and the TOEFL.

LocationsThere are many test centres around the world, and you can contact ETS for other locations.This is offered in many different countries around the world, from Belgium, to China, to Mexico. Check ETS website for your location - it will list the cities in that country and give you the test cost.
Total exam time is 4.5 hours.
CostsThe cost of the exams vary depending on your test location.The cost of the exams vary depending on your test location.
ListeningIt is 45 minutes long and you have to answer 100 multiple choice questions. There are 4 parts in the test. The question/audio types are - 1.photograph, 2. Question-response, 3. Conversations, 4. Short talks.This part is 60-90 minutes long and you have to answer between 34-51 questions. The types of audio you will listen to are lectures, classroom discussions, and conversations.
ReadingIt is 75 minutes long and you have to answer 100 multiple choice questions. There are 3 sections to the test. They are incomplete sentences, error correction or text completion, and reading comprehension. The reading paper is completed after the listening.You will answer between 36-56 questions in 60-80 minutes. You have to read 3-4 academic passages and answer questions on them.
SpeakingThis exam uses common everyday vocabulary and phrases that you find in the workplace. You have 20 minutes to answer 11 questions. Each question has specific instructions for you to follow and includes time for you to prepare what you are going to say. Score is out of 200.This part is 20 minutes long and you have 6 tasks to complete. You will be asked to give your opinions on common topics, and speak about topics based on your reading and listening tasks.
WritingThis is 60 minutes long and has 8 questions in it for you to answer. You are given specific instructions to follow to answer the question. The question types include writing a sentence about a picture, respond to a question, and write an essay (minimum 300 words).This is 50 minutes long and you have 2 parts to answer. They are writing an essay response on a topic connected to your listening and reading topics, and support an opinion in writing.
OtherIn the Listening and Reading test you also have 30 minutes to answer biographical questions. Total test time is 2.5 hours.Tasks during the test will make you use a variety of communication skills e.g. read, listen, and respond to a question.

Which test you take depends on what you want it for and the stage of life you are in!

If you’re still hesitating about which English test to take, you can take a look at the differences between TOEFL vs IELTS and make up your mind!

Prepare Both the TOEFL and the TOEIC Online With GlobalExam

Whichever test you take, studying for them and making sure you get the most practice possible is really important. Preparation is key to success in any exam. Studying with an online platform would be a good choice for busy people, and that is why we recommend joining us at GlobalExam for a successful test.

GlobalExam is an e-learning platform that can help you study, train, and prepare for your test whenever you want. On GlobalExam, you can evaluate, track and improve your level seamlessly with instant corrections. Plus, you can study at your own pace for as many tests as you need, including TOEFL, IELTS, and TOEIC.

What can we offer for you?

The main goal of GlobalExam is to help learners prepare for every aspect of the language proficiency test they are studying for. So, if you are preparing for TOEFL, here is what we offer you:

  • Study sheets: consult 390 grammar and vocabulary revision sheets with questions
  • Exercises: complete 14 training sessions focused on different parts of the TOEFL
  • Mock exams: test yourself with nine full TOEFL mock tests under timed conditions

Whatever you are looking for can be found on GlobalExam. It is the best, most efficient resource with materials that are specially tailored to meet the needs of different proficiency levels. It is the best way to help you progress from one level to another.

What are you waiting for? Our platform is guaranteed to help you study for your upcoming test and ensure you are getting the score you need for the future you are dreaming of. Nothing is out of your reach when you are hand-in-hand with GlobalExam!