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DELE stands for Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera, and is an internationally recognized test. The DELE diplomas certify a non-native Spanish speaker’s competence and mastery of Spanish. There are about 800 examination centres in more than 100 countries.

You can prepare and succeed on the DELE test by practicing with GlobalExam!

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DELE Format

There are six levels of DELE Spanish Diplomas. Each level corresponds to a level of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).


Level A1 (Breakthrough)

There are two parts:

  • Reading (45 minutes) and writing (25 minutes)
  • Speaking (15 minutes) and listening (20 minutes)

Level A2 (Waystage)

There are two parts:

  • Reading (60 minutes) and writing (50 minutes)
  • Speaking (15 minutes) and listening (35 minutes)

Level B1 (Threshold)

There tests are two parts:

  • Reading comprehension (70 minutes) and a listening comprehension (40 minutes)
  • Written expression and interaction test (60 minutes) and spoken expression and interaction (15 minutes/15 minutes of preparation)

Level B2 (Vantage)

There are two parts:

  • Reading comprehension (70 minutes) and listening comprehension (40 minutes).
  • Written expression and interaction (80 minutes) and spoken expression and interaction (15 minutes/15 minutes of preparation)

Level C1 (Effective Operational Proficiency)

There are four tests:

  • Reading comprehension and use of language (90 minutes).
  • Listening comprehension and language use (50 minutes).
  • Integrated skills. Listening comprehension and written expression and interaction (80 minutes).
  • Integrated skills. Reading comprehension and oral expression and interaction (20 minutes/20 minutes of preparation).

Level C2 (Mastery)

There are three tests:

  • Language use, reading and listening comprehension (105 minutes).
  • Integrated skills: Listening and reading comprehension, and written expression and interaction (150 minutes).
  • Integrated skills: Reading comprehension and oral expression and interaction (20 minutes with 30 minutes of preparation).


The price for the DELE exam will depend on the country and the exam level. Current prices in Spain are:

  • A1 108€
  • A2 130€
  • B1 160€
  • B2 190€
  • C1 205€
  • C2 220€

Scoring and levels

There are six levels of DELE. Each level corresponds to a level of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).

Level A1 (Breakthrough)

Candidates are able to communicate in Spanish in a basic way in everyday situations.

Level A2 (Waystage)

Candidates can understand commonly used, everyday phrases and expressions related to basic information about themselves and their families, shopping and work, for example.

Level B1 (Threshold)

Candidates are able to understand the gist of clear texts, in standard language, if they involve well-known topics related to work, studies or leisure. Candidates are able to deal with most situations where Spanish is spoken; moreover, they can write simple and coherent texts about familiar topics.

Level B2 (Vantage)

Candidates have to the capacity to interact with native speakers with good fluency and are able to have easy and natural communication; candidates can write clear and detailed texts about a range of topics.

Level C1 (Effective Operational Proficiency)

Candidates can understand a wide variety of lengthy texts. They are able to express themselves fluently and spontaneously without obvious effort. A person can use Spanish flexibly and effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes.

Level C2 (Mastery)

A candidate at this level approaches native-like competence. A person can communicate effectively and fluently in any situation with ease and accuracy.


The tests have a maximum score of 100 points.

  • A1-You need to get 30 in each part for an overall pass.
  • A2 -You need to get 30 in each part for an overall pass.
  • B1- You must get a minimum of 60 points out of 100 in the exam and score at least 30 points out of 50 in each test.
  • B2- You must get a minimum of 60 points out of 100 in the exam, and get at least 30 points out of 50 in each test.
  • C1- You need 30 points for an overall pass.
  • C2 You need a pass for each test that you sit for during the same exam session. You must achieve a minimum score for each of the three tests.

Training with GlobalExam

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Our offers:

Free services give you a sample of what we have. There are two sample exercises, and there are vocabulary and grammar sheets.

Premium offers:

  • 29.90€ weekly plan
  • 59.90€ monthly plan
  • 99.90€ quarterly plan
  • 199.90 yearly plan

You study for only the length of time that you need, so never spend your money on extra study time, offering-flexibility and savings.

What do the premium offers contain?

  • Vocabulary and grammar study sheets
  • 20 sample exercises
  • 66 training hours
  • 10 practice tests
  • Different training modes, putting you in real exam conditions
  • Study plan based on your exam date
  • Progress tracking with statistics

Additionally, we provide you with

  • Personalized follow-up
  • Follow your progress with statistics and motivational messages
  • Multi-Device Solution (smartphone, laptop or desktop-it’s your choice)

Otherwise, do you know the differences between DELE and BRIGHT Spanish? And how to register for the DELE?