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Los examenes Cambridge son examenes reconocidos por varias instituciones y demuestran tu nivel de inglés. La parte 4 del Listening C1 Cambridge es la ultima parte del listening CAE. El objetivo de esta parte es entender la idea principal, opiniones, actitudes, el propósito y los sentimientos de cada hablante.  Asimismo, interpretar el contexto.

Es por eso que te presentamos:

  • Ejemplo del listening CAE part 4
  • Consejos para esta parte
  • Prepárate para el CAE con GlobalExam

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Ejercicios y preguntas del listening CAE part 4

Antes de todo, no olvides que para aprobar un examen, lo que tienes que hacer son ejercicios, y nosotros te ponemos a disposición exámenes C1 Cambridge gratis para practicar.

La parte del listening CAE part 4 cuenta 8 opciones de respuestas por las 2 preguntas generales. El audio se reproduce 2 veces.

A continuación, te mostraremos un ejemplo de examen de esta parte con sus preguntas respectivas. Recuerda que si quieres entrenarte con otros ejercicios para esta parte, puedes inscribirte en nuestra plataforma.


You’ll hear 5 short extracts in which people are talking about moving house.

Ejemplo de ejercicio del CAE listening Part 4

Speaker 1
When I was much younger, my dream was to move into the city and get a job there, instead of toiling away on the farm, like my parents and grandparents did. I always felt ill at ease in the countryside, so when the chance to go to university in Norwich came along, I jumped at it. What a culture shock it was. I couldn’t get over the noise- the first week I was there, the sound of the traffic kept me awake all night. I only managed a month there, and then I went straight back to the farm. Now that I know the grass isn’t greener on the other side, I’ve never been more content. I’ve come to love the peace and quiet again.

Speaker 2
After working for thirty years in the city of London as a stockbroker, upon my retirement, I wanted nothing more than to move to a warmer climate. London, especially in winter, is freezing cold, and the inclement weather lasts well into spring. I put up with it while holding down a job and running a household with three kids, but now they’re all grown up, and my job is winding down, my ties to the city have been broken. I’m moving to the south coast of Spain at year’s end. To say I’m looking forward to it is an understatement!

Speaker 3
When the twins were born, my partner and I looked around the cramped terraced house we lived in, and decided that the time was ripe to buy a bigger house. We’d been talking about it for years, but finally, with a two-bedroom house and two small children, we took the plunge and bought a three-bedroom detached house outside the city. It’s such an amazing place! In the city, because life is so hectic, it can be difficult to get to know people, even if they live on the same street. The suburbs are much warmer, and our social lives have improved dramatically.

Speaker 4
Our kids went off to university in the last couple of years, and my husband and I were suddenly all alone in a huge house that didn’t seem to fit, anymore. After talking it over, we decided to downsize. We finally found a smaller house in the next town over, but before we could move, we had to get rid of a lot of stuff. It’s amazing how much you accumulate when you stay in one place for a long time. We gave a lot of our stuff to charity, and sold some other things. I was a bit upset at getting rid of our sofa- we’d had it for years, and there were a lot of great memories attached to it. Still, needs must!

Speaker 5
After years of student accommodation, my boyfriend and I decided that we needed our own space. We were both tired of sharing houses with sort-of friends, and cleaning up other peoples’ messes. So, we started to save money. Luckily our parents helped us out with the mortgage deposit- on our salaries, I’m really not sure how we’d have managed. It’s only a small place, but its decoration is lovely. And most importantly of all, it’s all ours!


1. Speaker 1

2. Speaker 2

3. Speaker 3

4. Speaker 4

5. Speaker 5


6. Speaker 1

7. Speaker 2

8. Speaker 3

9. Speaker 4

10. Speaker 5

Consejos para la parte 4 del Listening

  • Escoge tu estrategia :
    • Responde a la pregunta 1 durante la primera reproducción del audio y a la pregunta 2 durante la segunda.
    • O bien
    • Responde a las dos preguntas durante la primera reproducción. La segunda te servirá para completar y confirmar tus respuestas.

conoce la parte 4 del listening CAE con un ejemplo

Recuerda que todos somos diferentes, así que ensaya las dos técnicas sugeridas para ver cuál funciona mejor para tí.

  • En caso de duda, responde por descarte.
  • Ten en cuenta que cada pregunta posee una serie de distractores que te pueden inducir al error.
  • Responde a todas las preguntas aunque dudes o no sepas la respuesta. No correrás ningún riesgo, pues no hay puntos negativos.
  • No esperes el final del examen para revisar una pregunta, habrás escuchado tantos hablantes que no recordarás el contexto.
  • Recuerda escuchar audios en inglés por los menos 15 minutos diarios.

¡Prepárate para el CAE con GlobalExam!

Además de las 30 000 preguntas que te permitirán prepararte para el CAE, los numerosos exámenes de práctica y la gran variedad de ejercicios destinados a cada sección, GlobalExam te propone un entrenamiento específico para la sección de Listening del CAE. Tendrás la posibilidad de acceder a respuestas sugeridas, y de repasar mediante fichas de gramática y vocabulario a fin de mejorar tus fallas.

El CAE o C1 Avanzado comprende también secciones de Reading, Use of English, Speaking y Writing. ¡Descubre toda la estructura de este examen!

Si quieres estar completamente preparado para el examen CAE, también es importante conocer las estructuras del Listening part 1, Listening part 2 y Listening part 3.

¡Inscríbete ya!