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One of the most challenging parts of the IELTS exam is the Writing section. We have compiled numerous practice tests for the IELTS General Writing exam down below.

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IELTS Writing: General Training Free Practice Tests

IELTS General Training Writing Practice Test – Task 1
IELTS General Training Writing Practice Test – Task 2

IELTS Writing: Academic Free Practice Tests

IELTS Academic & General Training Writing Practice Tests
IELTS Academic Writing Practice Test 
IELTS Academic Writing Practice Test – Task 2
IELTS Academic Writing Practice Test – Task 2

IELTS General Writing Free Practice Tests – Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You are looking for a part-time job at a local gym.

Write a letter to the manager of the gym. In your letter,

  • introduce yourself
  • explain what experience and related skills you have
  • tell them when you think you would be able to start

Write at least 150 words.
You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Question 1


This letter completes the task and uses standard formal phrases to write a covering letter. It uses language of preferences such as; ‘I would prefer to..’ and present perfect continuous tense which is vital for candidates to learn if they want to sound natural in these kinds of situations.

Model Answer:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am an 18-year-old student and I am studying Sports Management at Loughborough University. I have been studying here for the past two years. I am writing to ask if you have any part-time training instructor positions at your gym at the moment.

I’m very keen on going to the gym and working out and I do have some experience in training people.  I’ve been working freelance and training several clients whilst I’ve been studying at University. Last year, we had a component of our course where we had to run fitness classes for other students. I will be able to provide references from my clients and from my course administrator at the university.

I would prefer to work during weekday evenings if possible, as I have classes in the morning and afternoon. I would be available to start from the beginning of next week.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Daniel Carson

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Your young sister or daughter is having problems at school.

Write a letter to the school. In the letter:

describe the problem

explain how it is making your young sister or daughter feel

say what you want the school to do about it

Write at least 150 words.
You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Question 1


A question like this is quite open but you need to be as specific as possible; one way to do this is to have a quick brainstorm (what problems do children have at school? Bullying, hating the teaching, not understanding the work, finding the work too easy, not having time for homework, etc) and focus on ONE issue only.

Model Answer:

Dear Sir or Madam,

My young sister is being bullied by other girls in her year. Some of them are saying nasty things to her, calling her names, and teasing her, other girls have been destroying her property and pushing and punching her. Recently, I found out she is also being cyber-bullied by some of the girls too.

My sister is miserable and cries every night when she gets home from school. In the mornings, we have to force her to go as she is not happy at your school at the moment. Her self-esteem has become extremely low as a result too.

My mother and I would like to arrange a face-to-face meeting with you and appeal to you to put a stop to the bullying in your school. My sister is afraid of repercussions if the bullies are confronted directly, which is one thing we can discuss with you. Perhaps your school could arrange to have an anti-bullying campaign, so everyone becomes more aware of this issue.

Your sincerely,

Laura Mendonza

man writing on some papers

IELTS General Writing Free Practice Test – Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Strict lockdown is believed to be the only way to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. On the other hand, some people think that a complete lockdown can be counterproductive with much graver consequences in the long run.
What is your opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Question 1


Make sure to organise your essay in paragraphs. In the introduction, state both sides and give a brief opinion. Then, develop your opinion giving reasons for and against and finish with a conclusion. Do not forget to use linking devices such as “firstly”, “secondly”, etc.

Model Answer:

We are told that a total lockdown is our only choice to avoid the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Yet other voices are rising to draw attention to what can be other unforeseen and maybe worse consequences. As far as I can see, strict lockdown appears to be the most effective measure in controlling the spread of the virus, mostly considering how far away the possibility of mass vaccination is. However, I believe that societies must find a mid-point between economic activities and containing the epidemic outbreak. It is a very difficult and risky balancing act.

On the one hand, it is very hard to talk about the scientific basis of a strategy for a disease we know little about. It is quite evident that governments are learning as they go, improving measures when evidence requires to do so. This way you can not only achieve control but also buy some time that will allow experts to learn more about the virus and what works and what does not. The purpose of the lockdown is to reduce reproduction, in other words, to reduce the number of people each confirmed case infects. Admittedly, lockdown has worked, considering that worldwide quarantine cases have begun to slow down.

On the other hand, there are consequences that were either not taken into account or just considered to be the lesser of two (or more) evils: the economic effects of isolation as well as the mental toll of the lockdown. On the economic side of things, closure of physical shops and businesses, which are essential to slow down the spread of the virus, has led to higher unemployment and reduction in wages, deferment of investments of all kinds, and healthy companies going bankrupt.

I believe that one of the most underrated aspects is the mental health and well-being issue. Loneliness has been proven to lead to depression and anxiety and maybe even self-harm. And it’s not so much the intensity of the isolation but its duration what seems to potentially affect people in the long term.

In conclusion, there should not be a binary approach to the issue of lockdown (“health or economy”). From my point of view, it should have a comprehensive and well-balanced outlook. One that will protect the population’s health but also offer hope and something to go back to when it is all over.

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