




  • 小貼士:您聽完每個問題後,約有8秒左右的時間選擇正確答案。


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您將會聽到以下對話 :

– Helen, do you want us to share a taxi to the airport, or car pool? We’ll save on expenses and have a good laugh! As you know the corporation wants us to cut down on our expenses…

– Well, I would have loved to, but I am actually not flying there. I am going by bus. I have to leave tomorrow since the trip will take two days!

– Ah, that’s true, I forgot you were afraid of flying. But two days is a long time! Ok, it’s environment friendly but it is still a long distance to go by bus! And did you have to take a paid leave day tomorrow?

– No, I worked overtime all of last month, so I negotiated a paid day off!

– Good for you! Well, good bus ride to Dallas then!

您會聽到第一個問題 :

  1. What are the two people discussing?

快速流覽四個選項 :

  1. how they are going to get to the conference
  2. where they are going on holiday
  3. if they are going by bus
  4. how they are looking forward to the conference

然後在答題卡上標記正確答案 : a.


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