Build on a
solid foundation
Without solid foundations there is no sustainable construction!
For each language that we train you in, we have developed a full reference document to consolidate the essential skills for your success.
grammar concepts to communicate without errors, no matter the context
vocabulary concepts to use the correct word, whatever the subject
using words in order to interact and create meaning, both with writing and speaking

The skills at the heart of learning
Matching system
Our language experts match the skills listed in our reference documents with each of the 50,000 questions available in our courses
Study sheets and Exercises
Each skill is associated with a revision sheet to understand everything and an application exercise to memorize.
Analysis in real time
Each activity carried out is immediately analyzed and become a mine of information for your teams about the skills already mastered and those that need to be improved
Overall summary
Assess the performance of your courses by consulting a full overview of your learners' level whenever you want
Master the skills
that are useful for you
For each skill present in our reference documents, you have a lesson sheet and a revision exercise available to you.
Each concept is linked to a CECRL level and our lesson materials are created to take the learner's real level into account.
390 sheets
3900 questions
266 sheets
2660 questions
197 sheets
1970 questions
122 sheets
1220 questions

Master the skills
that are useful for you

For each skill present in our reference documents, you have a lesson sheet and a revision exercise available to you.
Each concept is linked to a CECRL level and our lesson materials are created to take the learner's real level into account.
390 sheets
3900 questions
266 sheets
2660 questions
197 sheets
1970 questions
122 sheets
1220 questions