Taking IELTS practice tests is the best way to improve and get ready for the exam. You will find down below multiple IELTS practice tests for the Academic Writing Task 2. Feel free to check out our main IELTS practice tests page as well if you wish to train for all the sections of the exam.
Free IELTS Practice Tests: Academic Writing
IELTS Academic Writing – Practice Test #1
IELTS Academic Writing – Practice Test #2
IELTS Academic Writing – Practice Test #3
IELTS Academic Writing Task 2: Free Practice Tests
Below you will find various IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 practice tests, ranging from easy to hard :
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.Model Answer:
I don’t agree that lawmaking would be improved if regular people voted directed on policy issues. Although it might be tempting to think that holding referendums would make things more fair or democratic, in reality it probably would not improve decision making and might actually make it worse.
There are several major disadvantages to holding referendums. First of all, they are complicated and expensive to organize. National elections cost millions of dollars, take months of planning, and require an entire dedicated office or organization to run. Organizing nation-wide votes on a regular basis would be costly in both energy and tax dollars. Even once a referendum is organized, millions of people need to take time off work or other responsibilities to get to a polling station, wait in line, and cast their vote. Voter turnout is already relatively low, and holding regular votes would probably mean fewer and fewer participants in these complicated and expensive endeavors.
A second major advantage is lack of knowledge and expertise. Every day people may have good intentions when they cast a vote, but it’s difficult for the average person to know enough about such a broad range of issues that they can consistently make informed choices about complex and contentious topics. Politicians, on the other time, have access to countless resources that will inform their decision-making (e.g. consultation with lawyers and researchers, commissioning studies, coordinating with important businesses and organizing). Ordinary people simply do not have the time or resources to be as well-informed as their elected lawmakers.
Finally, holding referendums is simply redundant in the context of an already-established and relatively functional democratic election system. For example, is a particular person feels a certain way about immigration, tax rates, and environmental policies, he can vote for a politician who shares these views and who will vote on legislation that reflects those views. There is no need to create extra processes when one is already in place.
Taken altogether, it’s much better to focus on electing politicians in a fair, democratic process than it is to try to hold referendums so that the general public can decide on public policy issues.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.Model Answer:
I do often find myself chewing gum. I enjoy using it while I study. I don’t particularly enjoy the taste so much as the rhythmic motion of chewing. I could definitely live without chewing gum as I don’t find it to be an important part of my life.
As mentioned above, I do enjoy gum but it’s not a major part of my life. If I went to Singapore, not being able to purchase or chew gum would not bother me. I can understand that chewing gum may have caused problems in Singapore that I am not aware of.
I’ve never personally heard that chewing gum posed a serious public health risk. That language sounds somewhat harsh. I can understand that chewing gum could cause personal harm to an individual or even a group of people in some very strange circumstance. I do not see how chewing gum as I understand it, from my perspective, based on where I live, could pose a public health issue.
When I think of more typical public health risks I might think of environmental pollution, dangerous chemicals in food or other diseases and pathogens. Gum does not seem like a public health risk.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.I think it’s a good idea to make public transit free, but there are arguments for and against such a measure. The risks have to be weighed against the benefits, and it would be important to analyze whether the projected effects would actually take place. Some of the aspects to analyze are as follows.
In terms of administration, a free system would certainly be easier to manage. There would be no need to post fares prices, or to establish complicated ticketing systems. There would be no need for tickets checkers since anyone can enter at any time. This certainly makes administration easier, but it comes at a cost. It may be free to take the bus, but the money has to come from somewhere. It means public transit is heavily subsidized by governments and this money has to eventually come from taxpayers. So residents are paying for transit one way or another.
Free public transit would also impact the user experience of transportation. On the one hand, it would be convenient not to have to fumble with change, not to need to plan ahead to buy a monthly pass, and not to need to wait in line at ticket stations. However, increased ridership might make the busses more crowded. People who are homeless or intoxicated would also likely make more use of public transit if it’s free, which can be disturbing or inappropriate for other users.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, making public transit free would have environmental implications. More people taking public transit means fewer cars on the roads. This is particularly important in large cities that are affected by traffic congestion and pollution. Increased ridership would lead to an increase in services, which would make public transit even more appealing to those who currently don’t use it. At the same time, it’s difficult to say just how big an influence decreased cost would have, as some people drive because they need to or want to and a financial incentive would not change their lifestyle considerably.
Ultimately, all of these considerations are important, but I believe that especially in a time of environmental crisis, making public transit free is an important and productive step forward.
What Are the Requirements for the IELTS Academic Writing Task 2?
You have one hour in total to complete the IELTS Writing exam, and Writing Task 2 is more important for your final band result for the Writing section. Therefore you are advised to spend 40 minutes on planning and writing your answer to this part, after having spent 20 minutes on the IELTS Writing Task 1. Task 2 is an essay question and you must write at least 250 words.
The examiner will be looking at 4 key points:
- Did you answer the question properly?
- Is your answer presented in a logical and coherent way?
- Do you master a wide range of vocabulary words?
- Could you demonstrate a wide range of grammar skills?
The combination of these points gives your final score.
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