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When it comes to learning languages, there are a tremendous amount of resources to help you. You can learn through books, movies, TV, radio shows, find a teacher or even learn and practice with friends. But there is another option available that offers even more resources to learn a new language from: the internet.  In today’s new post, GlobalExam will show you:

  • Why learn French online
  • What are the best resources you can find online
  • What is GlobalExam and its offer: Global General
  • Why learn French with Global General
  • Learn French for free or with a subscription
  • Sign up for our General Français course to learn French!

Now without further ado, let’s get into it!

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Why choose to learn French online?

Now that you have understood why to study French and the main reasons to learn it, all that’s left is to take action!

How long does it take to learn French?“, “How long does it take to speak fluently?” As you can imagine, it is not easy to answer these questions, but what we can do is provide you with the top tips to make your study easier and the methods to learn in the best possible way with an online learing. But why choose online resources?

Reason #1

First, the thing with the internet is that it is accessible absolutely everywhere, anytime. In our modern times we have access to the internet not only through computers but also through our smartphones, tablets etc. So learning French online means that you have access to tons of resources, anywhere you are, anytime you need.

Reason #2

Learning online also gives you more space, more organisation: you can decide when to learn and with which documents. Do you feel like doing exercises? Just pop on a vocabulary game and learn a few words while having fun! Learning online is more freeing than regular school or private lessons, just like you can organise yourself, you can also decide for how long you will learn. You don’t have time? Pop on the net for 10 minutes a day. Need to reschedule? No problems, the internet will be there anyway!

Reason #3

Another great reason is that there are free resources as well as a lot of different subscriptions available, so you have a wide variety of training to choose from. This makes learning a language accessible to literally anyone, whether you’re a kid or in your 60’s. A lot of these websites offer their lessons in several levels, from beginner to expert so you will always find something that suits your level.


What are the resources you can find online?

Although learning French by going to a French-speaking country is the fastest way to learn the language, the web is a great alternative for finding many useful and different online resources. You have a wide variety in terms of level: there are many things adapted to vary different levels. You have songs, colouring sheets and little games for learning French for kids, documents that are read slower for learning French for beginners, transcripts, videos, in-situation exercises for intermediate levels as well as harder comprehension exercises and native available for conversations for more advanced levels.

You can find a wide variety of documents too: from podcasts, to apps, games, ebooks and audiobooks, videos… it is impossible that you can’t find something to enjoy.  There even is French learning resources especially meant for non native learners: look for FLE resources when searching online. (FLE = Français Langue Etrangère, which means French as a second language. You can also look for FSL resources)

Finally, there is a wide variety of offers you can find from websites. You have goldmines that are completely free such as YouTube for example, where there are tons of audio and visual documents to learn and practise from. But these websites are often very limited because they only offer a portion of what you can find on the internet (YouTube for example, only allow you to train your oral comprehension skills), and the most complete offers are monetized subscriptions, just like the one of GlobalExam, which provides the widest range of possibilities for learning a language. Are you undecided whether to study French or Spanish? Maybe some other language? GlobalExam is for you!

What is GlobalExam and its subscription Global General?

GlobalExam is a training platform that offers practice for 16 different language tests such as TOEIC, HSK, IELTS and many more, available in different languages: English, French, German, Spanish and Chinese.

GlobalExam is the language’s specialist and will help you in every way you need. If you don’t need a language certification but do need to train in a language for your job, GlobalExam also has a business program to train with.

In this business program, you will find different job fields to choose from (Pharma, IT, Construction, Banking etc.) that will allow you to learn your target language with vocabulary adapted to what you need to know for your job. The vocabulary will be very specific and it will be easier to learn because you will focus just on what you need.

Finally, GlobalExam offers a new training platform, Global General, meant for new learners.

What is Global General?

Global General is an online training platform that will help you learn a new language: English, French, Spanish, Italian and German. You can choose to start from the very beginning and learn the basics (A1 and A2 levels) and continue to improve with intermediate levels (B1 & B2).

For each new activity, you will find 5 new words and a new grammar rule to learn. Flashcard, will help you memorize and learn words you’ve already seen. These activities mix vocabulary, grammar as well as oral comprehension so you can train a lot of skills at the same time without even realising it. Every time you finish an activity, a detailed correction will help you in your native language, so you can make sure you’ve understood everything perfectly.

Another great thing with Global General is that you will also have access to personal trainers to help you, collective or individual lessons that add even more quality to your online learning journey. Personal trainers will follow your progression and leave notes for you. Your score will be available for them in real time and for you at the end of each activity so you can follow your progress easily.


Why learn French with Global General?

Just like we explained, the internet is an incredible place to learn online. And some subscriptions are more complete than others.

Global General offers a complete experience and nothing is left to chance in your learnings: a complete training that will help you master all the skills you need to become fully fluent in your target language (oral and written comprehension, oral production, vocabulary, grammar etc.)
Plus, a personal trainer is available for you and will follow your progress as much as you can follow it yourself. Scores will be made available after each activity and all activities are made available for you to start over if you failed. Training on Global General will help you stay motivated and learn from your mistakes.

Little sections such as “Did you know?” make the experience even more diverse with little trivia facts and infos about your target language.

Which one to pick: a free trial or a subscription?

When on our website, you will be able to choose between two options: a free trial and a paying subscription. What are the differences between the two?

Free trial

This one has a good advantage, especially for limited budgets: it is free. The free option will give you a peek on what you will have access to with the paying subscriptions. It will help you make sure that you like it, as well as seeing for real the great amount of resources available. It will also give you access to worksheets focused on grammar and vocabulary. Once you’ve all done with this trial, you can subscribe to the full subscription in order to have access to all of what Global General has to offer you.

Paid version

This version will adapt itself to you, your needs and your level. It even adapts to how much time you’ve got and your availability: the plans range from weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly. Along with the grammar and vocabulary worksheets available in the free trial, in the paid version you will have access to:

  • Exercises to train your knowledge along with detailed corrections
  • Training exercises for each set of skill and language competences
  • Statistics, scores and a personal trainer to follow your progress closely. This is great to stay motivated and see how far you’ve come.

Subscribe to Global General from GlobalExam to learn French online

The resources made available online are a great opportunity to start learning any language. With paid subscriptions like Global General, you have access to everything the internet has to offer in one place. Global General is an online training platform that will help you train in French in the best way possible. It is meant for beginners as well as intermediate learners and includes other languages too: Spanish, English, Italian and German.

Global General will give you the keys to a successful learning journey with tons of resources available and all the help you need through our personal trainer and online classes system.Where you would need tons of different free websites in order to train different sets of skills and have different ressources, Global French holds everything into one place: your own account. Your progress is also highly personalised so you can stay focused, motivated and know exactly where you’re coming from and where you’re going, nothing is left to chance in your learnings. Start learning French today on our stress-free and easy to use platform: Global General.

What are you waiting for? Hop on with us and let’s learn French together!