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HSK 3 – Listening Comprehension


  • 4 exercises (10 questions each).
  • 35 minutes to answer the questions, then 5 minutes to write your answers on the answer sheet.
  • Each recording is played twice.
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HSK 3 – Listening Comprehension – Exercise 1

Exercise 1 contains 10 questions.

For each question, you will listen to a conversation between a woman and a man. Each will say 1 sentence. 5 pictures will be displayed on your exam sheet. You need to state which picture matches up with the conversation you have heard.

Example :

You hear:



You see (Then you must select the right answer on your answer sheet: D):

HSK 3 listening

(There will be 6 pictures, but one will be used as an example for the exercise)

HSK 3 – Listening Comprehension – Exercise 2

Exercise 2 contains 10 questions.

For each question, you will listen to an explanation of one sentence or more. Then, a new sentence about the explanation will be both spoken out loud and written. You need to state whether the sentence is true or false.

Example 1 :

You hear:


You hear and you read:


Then you must select on your answer sheet: √

Example 2 :

You hear:

今天我想早点儿回家。看了看手表,才 5 点。过了一会儿再看表,还是

5 点,我这才发现我的手表不走了。

You hear and you read:


Then you must select on your answer sheet: ×

HSK 3 – Listening Comprehension – Exercise 3

Exercise 3 contains 10 questions.

For each question, you will listen to a conversation between a woman and a man. Each will say a sentence. A third person will then ask a question based on the conversation. You need to state the answer to that question by selecting one of 3 choices.

Example :

You hear:




You read on your exam sheet (then you must select answer A on your answer sheet):

A 开门√                B 拿东西                C 去超市买东西

HSK 3 – Listening comprehension – Exercise 4

Exercise 4 contains 10 questions.

This has the same structure as Exercise 3, except that here the man and woman will say 2 sentences each.

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