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You are set on taking the DELF exam for the first time or have already given it a go and still wondering how to improve your score? Then you are in the right place to receive good advice on how to give the best of yourself to get better grades.

In this article you will find

  • Good tips on how to be more efficient in your preparation
  • Advice on how to prepare for the listening section
  • Easy-to-get strategies for the D Day

So, let’s get started!

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Take some time and check out the category Get A Good Score At The DELF Exam On All Levels we have written for you.

What is the DELF?

DELF is an internationally recognized diploma awarded by the French Ministry of Education with unlimited validity.

The possibilities of choosing the level established by the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) i.e. A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 is an asset.

It allows you to set objectives according to your current level of French and, why not, upgrade your level. You can give yourself time to practice in your country or abroad, and then challenge yourself to reach a higher level.

What’s more, DELF’s updated version of the exam for levels A2, B1, B2 integrates more multiple-choice questions and less open-ended questions in the writing which makes things more reassuring for learners and the training easier. These changes fit perfectly online training. It also means that you can train with more frequency and get more guided feedback.

This is all very good news for you so let’s get to the hard of the matter!

What is the DELF?

How to improve your score during your preparation of the DELF?

Improving a score is not only a question of endless practice on past papers though it is definitely a crucial part of the job. You need to gain fluency on content – vocabulary and grammar– but also on structure such as the DELF grading system and methodology.

You will make the difference if you master that.

Before taking the exam make sure you know exactly how it is going to be (instructions, time allotted and minimum points to score in each section) so that you know exactly what to expect on the D day. Instructions for the different exercises should be more than familiar to you. Let’s take the example of the listening part.

  • In the listening part, you will have already taken the habit of reading the questions before listening to the audio document. Reading through the questions first sets your mind on what to look for when you hear the document.
  • Besides, the first question is always about general understanding of what the conversation is about. If you read the questions first, you will be able to identify the topic and grasp the overall idea of it.
  • During your training, you should also build a methodology that is transferable to all audio documents: focusing on the tone of the speakers, on the words that are recurrent and on link words as these are essential to follow the lines of arguments of the speakers.

And on the D Day?

Remember, there is no time for hesitation on how the whole procedure will unfold and what is to be done in each section.

You are sitting and you are fully prepared.

That will give you time and energy to focus on the structure and content of each section.

You will discover several topics while running through the exam but because you will master the requirements and have trained accordingly, you will be able to cope with that unknown aspect of the exam.

  • If the topic is familiar to you, well, that is an advantage, but do not rush and leave the methodology aside thinking you won’t need it. Apply what you have learned during your practice and don’t forget the objectives for each section of the exam: understanding in detail and producing accurately.
  • Always remember that any paper is an opportunity to show how well you handle the requirements whatever the topic. Mentally, it will put you in the mind of a challenger who knows what is expected from him or her.
  • For the oral part, where you will have to do a presentation on a given topic, you will follow the structure needed to present views and be convincing. Of course, during the conversation with the jury, you will display a positive attitude, make eye-contact and show how motivated you are! All these aspects might sound obvious but they need practice!

How to improve your score at the DELF with GlobalExam?

GlobalExam offers you effective online training, upgraded according to the updated version of the DELF. You will find all the material you need to train, and all created by experts in language examinations.

All the mock exams have been updated to match the latest requirements in each of the four sections!