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Are you looking for your children to learn Spanish? Many parents ask themselves how they can teach a foreign language to their kids and which are the best options. If you want to teach your kids Spanish, there are an almost limitless number of ways you can do it. From formal, structured lessons with a professional to many online sources and resources. There is no “one-size-fits-all” way to do it. If you need a little creative inspiration don’t stop reading because this is your article! In the next lines we will see:

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Why it is important to learn Spanish from an early age

If you are wondering if it is difficult to learn Spanish or how long it takes to learn it, you should know that when you are a child the difficulties and the time are halved. For any adult, whether he/she has a beginner Spanish level, an intermediate Spanish level or an advanced Spanish level, it will be more complex. It is in fact proven that children can learn a second language (even a third) in a natural way, as they are able to internalize it as if it were their mother tongue. The fact is that the child’s mind is capable of absorbing knowledge like a sponge, so the sooner we start this task, the better.

Learning a foreign language involves an amount of effort for anyone, be it a child or an adult, but when you are younger it is much easier. When you consider the possibility of teaching your child a foreign language, it is a good idea to think about the advantages, since you will be opening doors for them in their future. In the first years of the child’s life, the brain is developing, feeding on stimulating knowledge. That is why learning a second language from a very young age can bring many benefits:

  • Children who speak more than one language are more creative.
  • They improve your ability to multitask.
  • Helps strengthen your personality and critical thinking.
  • Your memory develops.
  • They have less prejudice with children of other countries and languages and if one day they want to go to a Spanish-speaking country to improve Spanish, they won’t have any problem integrating.
  • In the technological age in which we live nowadays, most of the information will be found in a language other than their own. Knowing him from a young age will make his culture expand.


Make children learn Spanish with videos

Research has shown that learning Spanish through online resources, videos in paticular, is one of the best language tools, especially through music. Check out the best two video sources for the kids to learn Spanish.

YouTube videos

YouTube is one of the biggest sources to learn a language thanks to its multiple video content. As for kids, YouTube has created an application with children in mind: YouTube Kids, so that children can discover the world in an easier and more interesting way by watching movies online. YouTube Kids has also been launched to think of parents to support their children developing new interests.

RockAlingua videos

Another very good source for kids to learn Spanish is RockAlingua. The difference with YouTube is that RockAlingua teaches Spanish just through music videos. They are a team of teachers and musicians passionate about making learning Spanish fun and easy for kids around the world. The reason for their specialization is that children love music and cartoons, and a mix of both makes it a very powerful learning tool.

The best games for children to learn Spanish

Online games for learning Spanish are great for children to learn vocabulary, the alphabet and verbs in a very funny way. And the best is that there are games to suit all levels of Spanish. Check out these online and offline games:


This online source offers plenty of fun interactive games that are designed to assist kids with learning Spanish. There are loads of topics to choose from. Some of the games are free, while others require paid subscription.

Digital Dialects

It has games that are free and suitable for kids of all ages. The simple, colourful Spanish games on offer are great for learners seeking an interactive visual learning experience. They assist with word memorization through repetition. Spanish teachers or home-school parents can incorporate the games into lessons or assign them as homework.

Juguemos en el bosque

Let’s play in the Forest is a traditional Spanish game that teaches vocabulary related to la ropa (clothing). It is a variation of tag, in which one player is a lobo (wolf) who chases the kids playing in the forest.

Veo Veo

Veo Veo is the Spanish equivalent of “I Spy” and there is a fun song and rhyme to go with the game. It involves guessing words, so it is an excellent way to practice language skills.

El ahorcado

The game of hangman, also called “hanging”, is one of the most traditional games amongst children and at the same time one of the most used in language classes. It’s perfect for checking and learning vocabulary, using word or phrase guessing strategies, and making deductions.

The best cartoons to learn Spanish

Cartoons are a very good option for kids to learn Spanish. Check out this list:


Pocoyó narrates the adventures of a 4-year-old boy who is discovering and interacting with the world. The series is designed for children between 1 and 4 years old. These drawings stimulate creativity and imagination. The episodes are quite short and aimed at toddlers or younger children.

La fiesta de las palabras

This fun Netflix series has four animals as the main protagonists. The characters sing, dance and play while learning new words. A relentless formula for children to learn new vocabulary.

La doctora juguetes

This series tells the story of Doc, a 6-year-old girl who has the power to communicate with toys. Through these cartoons children can learn different values such as empathy or responsibility, among other emotions.

Dora la exploradora

Dora The Explorer has become one of parents’ favourite cartoons for the ease with which it teaches Spanish words to the little ones. Dora is a girl that travels with her monkey to see the most remote corners of the world. Endless adventures to have fun while learning Spanish!

Peppa pig

Peppa pig is one of children’s favourite cartoons. Peppa Pig, Mom Pig, Dad Pig and more friends will tell us about the adventures of these little pigs with human characteristics. Most of the episodes take place in the Pig house, although there are also outdoor settings.


The best audiobooks for learning Spanish for children

Especially if accompanied by the paper book that helps to learn to write in Spanish, audio books are a very effective methods. Check out these audiobooks for children to learn Spanish at the same time that they have fun or learn a series of values with some of the stories.

Cuentos infantiles en 5 minutos

“Classic stories for Children in 5 minutes” are for children who have difficulty in concentrating. It offers amazing stories summarized in 5 minutes such as Little red riding hood or Snow White. They are narrated with a neutral accent and are accompanied by auditory animations.


Pinocchio is one of the most classic tales of Walt Disney. Children will have fun listening to the story of Pinnochio’s nose, which grows with each lie he tells. This audiobook is almost an audio movie with a cast of actors, as well as sound effects that make the narration more entertaining.

Coco: La novela

Coco: The Novel is one of the most successful Disney / Pixar films. Here children will listen to the story of Miguel and his encounter with the friendly dead in the town square precisely on the Day of the Dead.

Fábulas infantiles

This audiobook “Children’s Fables” contains some of the most famous fables of all time, such as The Cicada and the AntThe Raven and the Fox, and The Lion and the Mouse. They are very well narrated by a chorus of voices accompanied by auditory effects, to make listening to children more pleasant.

El patito feo

The Ugly Duck is one of the most famous stories in children’s literature, inspiring operas, musicals, and cartoons. This story helps educate children to find their own identity and to ignore social criticism, as well as not to judge others by their appearances, making it a must-listen for children of all ages.

Songs to learn Spanish as a child

Here we have compiled a list of many popular children’s and children’s songs , all of them in Spanish and highly recommended.

  • El abecedario. The song The Alphabet is widely used to help children learn and memorize the Spanish alphabet.
  • Don Pin Pón. A song for children that teaches the importance of neatness and good manners.
  • Cantaba la rana. A Frog Sang is a tremendously popular children’s melody, very useful for learning to describe.
  • Un elefante se balanceaba. This is a melody for children that is used to learn numbers, since the end of the letter is put by oneself. It can be counted to infinity.
  • Debajo de un botón. Under a button is a well-known song for the little ones that plays with the repetition of syllables.

The best solution to learn Spanish also for children: The Global General

Helping your child learn Spanish can be fun if you provide the right tools and encouragement. Our Global General training platform can also accompany you in this learning process. It is a platform that is aimed at all kinds of public and you will find activities from the basic level to the most advanced level.

We propose playful courses so that they can advance with confidence. Not forgetting that each question has its own correction and explanation. Likewise, our review sheets are quite useful for reviewing. Come on with your kid and join us!