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¿Qué voy a escuchar en la parte de listening? ¿Voy a entender el acento? ¿Me dará tiempo a contestar correctamente? Estas son algunas de las muchas preguntas que nos hacemos de cara a esta parte del examen.

Lo primero que tenemos que hacer es relajarnos porque cuando estamos nerviosos no escuchamos bien y en esta parte del examen es crucial estar muy atentos a lo que nos están diciendo porque no es difícil fallar.

En este artículo vamos a ver cómo prepararnos, en concreto, para la parte 2 del Listening:

  • Ejercicio del Listening FCE part 2
  • Consejos específicos para esta prueba.
  • Prepárate para el FCE con GlobalExam

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Ejercicios para el listening part 2 del examen FCE

Vamos a ver un ejemplo que podríamos encontrarnos en esta parte del examen FCE. Este es el texto transcrito del audio que escucharíamos.

Good evening, everybody. Thanks for attending this presentation. My name is Ruud, but everybody calls me “Bugman”. I work at the Department of Conservation of New Zealand and I’ve come here today to talk to you about biodiversity. Do you think we’re doing enough to protect it or are we on the brink of losing the operating system of our planet? Let’s ask ourselves: What is it all about, this planet, life, humanity? Who actually runs this planet? Is it the stock markets, the media, the politicians? Is it all about nature? Let’s face it, plants and animals are everywhere in our life. What about rivers? They are like the veins of our planet because channeling water is actually one of the most important cycles on Earth. Most rivers originate in small creeks and streams in high mountain environments and If the water flowing downstream gets polluted, then our drinking water will also be of bad quality. But if the water is clean, then everything downstream will be just fine. The cleanest ponds, lakes, and rivers are full of invertebrates, which are at the lowest point on the food chain and are the staple diet for bigger fish, such as salmon or trout. Did you know that approximately 96% of all known species of animals are invertebrates? Believe me, the world as you know it wouldn’t function without invertebrates.

Ejercicios para el listening FCE part 2

Do you think then that we could get rid of all the mosquitoes on the planet? They are annoying, that’s true, but the larvae of those mosquitoes live in the water and they clean it of bacterial soup. They are also food for bigger fish which are food for bigger fish and so on, so there is a whole ecological system going on there. And finally, mosquitoes don’t just eat blood, they also like pollen and nectar and they get that from our wildflowers. While they do that, they also pollinate them. So, without mosquitoes, we would have bad drinking water, we would have hungry fish, even hungry geckos and birds because they feed from mosquitoes too and finally, you might as well kiss goodbye to the beautiful wildflowers of New Zealand. Now, let’s talk about honeybees. They are in big trouble worldwide. Each year 30-40% of them die. What are the reasons? Some people say it’s because of cell phone towers, pesticides, predators in the bees’ bodies and foreign diseases, among other reasons. Bees pollinate one third of all our food crops. Without them, do you think it would be easy to grow food and farm?

As I said at the beginning, plants and animals are everywhere. Millions of little creatures also live underground. Others live in leaves, in branches, others tunnel through the soil and all they do is recycle. They re-use stuff that once lived and reduce the total amount of waste on the planet. Mother Nature knows no waste. As soon as some is produced, a little creature turns it into smaller and smaller fragments until they become so tiny that they can be used again by the trees and the plants… Can you see? Everything is connected. Just think about it. There are creatures that distribute seeds, that pollinate flowers and get rid of rubbish. They even do a pest control for us. Also we know that every creature is eaten by a bigger creature. Some plants and animals even provide us with brand new technologies and materials. So, again, what is it all about? You see, it’s not only nature that is running this planet but the millions and millions of species that interconnect and help each other and cooperate. This is what makes the world a well-oiled machine, a living ecosystem. It provides us with balance and well- being and everything, absolutely everything we do has an impact.

Thank you so much for your time. Are there any questions?


  1. Ruud asks whether we take care of biodiversity or are we about to lose the ……………….. of our planet.
  2. He compares rivers with the ……………….. of our planet when talking about the cycle of water.
  3. He says that invertebrates serve as the ……………….. for fish such as salmon and trout.
  4. The larvae of those mosquitoes are useful because they help eliminate ……………….. in the water.
  5. Mosquitoes don’t just eat the blood of humans and animals, they also enjoy pollen and nectar from ……………….. just like butterflies and bees.
  6. Apart from mosquitoes Ruud also talks about another type of insect that is useful to humans:……………….. .
  7. Bees are important for agriculture because they pollinate ……………….. of all the crops we cultivate.
  8. He says that animals are found everywhere and millions of them live ……………….. .
  9. When waste is produced in nature, a little ……………….. transforms it into smaller fragments, another one transforms the fragments into something even smaller and so on.
  10. Plants and animals are useful to us in many different ways. One of them is that they ……………….. us with ideas for new technologies and materials we can use to our benefit.Practica con los siguientes ejercicios para el Listening FCE part 2

NOTA: Como podemos observar, la frase no es exactamente la misma. Por ello, debemos entender bien de qué está hablando la persona del audio para poder identificar con facilidad las palabras correctas.

Si quieres conseguir más ejercicios gratuitos para la parte 2 del Listening FCE, entra en la página web de GlobalExam. También compartimos contigo un simulacro de examen de Listening B2 Cambridge.

Tips para el Listening part 2

  • Mucha práctica: cuanto más practiquemos el listening, mejor lo haremos y más tranquilos iremos al examen.
  • Acentos: nos podemos encontrar con acentos de Inglaterra, Canadá, Estados Unidos, Australia, Sudáfrica, etc. Por ello es recomendable practicar con audios de distintos acentos ingleses.
  • Atención a las voces: las voces en los audios serán muy distintas. Puede aparecer cualquier rango de edad, por lo que nos podemos topar con maneras diferentes de habla y expresión.
  • Suelen utilizar sinónimos para asegurarse que tenemos el vocabulario de un B2 First que ellos exigen.

¿Quieres ejercicios para el FCE Listening part 1? Consulta nuestros otros artículos. También, tienes que conocer el FCE Listening part 3 y la parte 4 del listening FCE y para esto GlobalExam ha creado artículos para tí.

Practica el FCE en línea con GlobalExam

GlobalExam es una plataforma en línea de enseñanza de lenguas y preparación del examen FCE. En su apartado de exámenes de Cambridge, cuenta con una amplia cantidad de material dedicado al examen FCE y a su preparación, con ejercicios especializados de cada parte del examen, un seguimiento personalizado y hojas de explicaciones de diferentes temas de vocabulario o de la gramática en inglés.

En la plataforma de GlobalExam, compartimos contigo ejercicios pero también examenes del Cambridge First para practicar. ¡Empieza ya!