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Llegados a este punto final del Listening es posible que estemos cansados, ya que es una prueba que requiere mucha concentración en los audios. Muchas veces esto hace que al final de esta parte del FCE nos descentremos, por lo que hay que tener eso en cuenta para poder evitarlo.

En este artículo vamos a ver de forma sencilla y clara todo lo que engloba al Listening part 4:

  • Ejemplos oficiales del listening 4 FCE
  • Consejos concretos para esta parte del listening
  • Prepárate con GlobalExam

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Ejercicios para el listening part 4 del examen FCE

Te presentamos un ejemplo de ejercicio para la parte 4 del Listening de la plataforma GlobalExam.

M – I know some people don´t want to hear these words but the start of school is just around the corner, and as families are getting ready to go back to school an important topic comes to our minds and that is food allergies in schools. There is a new book out there that helps raise awareness. Ann Green, the author of this book, has just joined us in the studio. Ann, you are a food advocate in a lot of ways because, correct me if I´m wrong, your child has food allergies, is that right?

W – Yes, I have a toddler, Eddie. He´s two and a half and he is allergic to six out of the top 8 food allergens.

M – Wow, is Eddie your first child?

W – Yah, he is my first child and we found out when he was five months old and it was a pretty traumatic story. He’d had a few bites of mashed potatoes and it had butter in it and he went anaphylactic. 

M – That´s very scary, Ann. I guess after such an experience you need to rethink not only what your child is going to eat but also what you are going to eat. I’m guessing we talk about a team effort here. So, in the wake of that, you’ve actually put together a book or maybe a series of books?

Prepárate con este ejercicio para la parte 4 del listening FCE

W – Right, I would like to write a series of books. I wrote the first one to see how it would work, and the reason why I did it is because I wanted to find a book that I could read to Eddie, and where we live there were no books about food allergies besides the statistics and such and so I wrote one.

I tried to find a good illustrator because I think children’s books are really based on illustration, and I wanted it to be a book for kids after all, not some kind of medical encyclopaedia. It’s pretty much for children of all ages and I also have a lot of adults that told me it was full of useful information for them as well. But I wrote the children’s book to give the kids a little introduction about food allergies and what happens when they go to school. There is way more than what they ingest. A lot of children with food allergies also react to things they touch, they are contact reactive so to speak, so that´s important to know as well. 

M – And I’m guessing that it is a bit of an eye-opener obviously but also a bit of a challenge. Being able to prepare food and be conscious of these things. Has it been a big challenge for you?

W – It has been a real challenge and we suffered a great deal at the beginning. In spite of the initial difficulties my kid’s food allergies have actually changed all our lives for the better though. We call ourselves food allergies detectives now. We check the labels of every product we buy. I know how to comb through ingredients within five seconds, and have become an expert on what goes into food products.

M – So have you actually changed your diet?

W – With this whole situation I’ve lost a lot of weight, have started to eat healthier, we try to eat more whole foods and, generally speaking, follow a more balanced diet.  I mean, it has really changed my life for the best. People around us know all about food allergies by now although, it must be said, that some seem to have got tired of hearing about it so much, and as a consequence we´ve fallen out with a few of them. But perhaps that was even a good thing. That way, we got rid of those who weren´t genuine friends anyway. 

M – Wow, that must have been hard but, I guess, these are things that happen. As you said, maybe they’ve done you a favour by showing their true colours. Anyways, you are going to be an inspiration for all of us in this and so will the book Patty’s Secret, a tale of a girl with food allergies that can really be a great eye-opener for those of us who don’t really know much about this topic. Even if some of your friends weren’t all that interested, I’m certain that people will be extremely thankful. We are very impressed with you here this morning and thank you for your contribution. Ann, where can people buy your book?

W – It’s available on Amazon and you can also buy it from my website If you want a signed copy for your little one though, that is only possible on the website. We thought we might also be able to get a deal with one of the big high street chains but, much to our surprise, they haven’t got back to us yet, and so these are the only options right now, although we are still hoping to be available in at least one of the major bookstores soon.

M – That is so very, very nice. I wish you the very best to you and your whole family. Thank you very much for your time and good luck with the book!

Hay siete preguntas con 3 opciones a elegir.


Why does Ann advocate for healthy eating?

A. She suffers from allergies herself.

B. She read a book about it.

C. She has a child with serious allergies.


The first time they realised what was going on was when Eddie was…

A. two and a half years old.

B. six years old.

C. less than a year old.

NOTA: Este ejemplo nos muestra que muchas veces hay respuestas que no están escritas con las palabras exactas, por lo que es importantísimo no enfocarnos en buscar esas palabras que tenemos delante, sino entender lo que están diciendo en el audio. Si quieres obtener el ejercicio completo con sus respectivas preguntas, podrás encontrarlos en nuestra plataforma.

Si quieres practicar las otras partes del examen, tenemos ejercicios para el FCE Listening Part 1, el FCE Listening Part 2 y también el FCE Listening Part 3. Si quieres hacer un simulacro de examen completo de Listening B2 Cambridge, también es posible.

Tips para la parte 4 de la comprensión auditiva del FCE

  • Leer las preguntas con cuidado: alguna opción puede ser cierta pero no ser la correcta.
  • Durante el ejercicio, no vayamos solo en busca de la respuesta correcta. Preguntémonos por qué las incorrectas no valen. Es algo que ayudará a potenciar nuestras habilidades en esta parte del Listening.
  • Las respuestas están en el mismo orden que las preguntas.Aprende la estructura del listening part 4 del FCE con un ejemplo de examen
  • Toma la decisión siempre en la segunda escucha del audio.
  • Hay mucho texto que leer en la parte 4, así que una vez acabemos la parte 3, debemos saltar rápidamente a la 4 y empezar a subrayar palabras clave.
  • Atención cuando escuchemos palabras en el audio que son exactas a las del texto: ¡Hay trampa! El audio va a estar lleno de distractores y va a haber palabras que se repitan para confundirnos.
  • Es muy probable que no conozcamos todas las palabras, por lo que a veces tendremos que adivinar el significado. Esto es algo en lo que debemos trabajar mientras estamos preparando el FCE: Coger un texto con palabras nuevas y, en vez de mirar en internet qué son, pensemos qué podrían significar según el contexto.

Más ejercicios online con GlobalExam

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Además, desde GlobalExam también podrás poner a prueba tu comprensión auditiva. En su apartado dedicado al FCE, encontramos una sección con diferentes ejercicios que nos hacen preguntas similares a las que podrán hacernos en el examen oficial. La propia plataforma nos corrige instantáneamente, registrando los resultados en nuestro perfil personal para poder ver el progreso a lo largo del tiempo.

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