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¿Listo/a para dar el B2 Cambridge? Seguro que ya has empezado a practicar tus habilidades de Reading y Writing. ¡No descuides el Listening! A pesar de que cuenta 20 % de la nota (al igual que la parte de Speaking), esta es una de las partes en que resulta más sencillo ganar puntos. ¡Todo está en que te concentres en la información que recibes! Te hemos preparado una ficha a propósito del Listening con los siguientes puntos:

  • Ejercicios-tipo del Listening para el FCE 
  • Algunos tips para el éxito en esta parte
  • Prepárate en línea con GlobalExam

Sigue leyendo nuestra guía sobre esta parte del examen y descubrirás que no tienes nada que temer. ¡Acompáñanos a ver lo fácil que puede ser!

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Listening FCE practice online: ejercicios de Listening FCE

En el caso del FCE – ahora llamado B2 Cambridge – la prueba de comprensión auditiva consiste en cuatro partes. En cada una escucharás grabaciones de conversaciones y deberás responder a algunas preguntas.

¡No te estreses! Los audios se reproducen dos veces, así que siempre tendrás una segunda oportunidad de encontrar la respuesta. Veamos algunos ejemplos por pregunta con instrucciones:

Listening part 1

You will hear a woman speaking about her next visit to the dentist.

“I admit I am the biggest baby when it comes to going to the dentist. I don’t really know why because I am not afraid of needles and I haven’t had any bad past dental experience. I believe what makes me anxious are the sounds and smells of the clinic. I have tried bringing my own music and even some cotton balls soaked with my favorite perfume to smell during the procedure, but I don’t seem able to overcome the fear. I am lucky my doctor is attentive and explains exactly what he is doing, so at least, he has the patience to help me through my fears, which makes a difficult time much easier.”

Ejercicios para el listening B2 Cambridge

What is she nervous about?

  1. The dental office environment
  2. The fear of not knowing what’s happening to her teeth
  3. A bad experience at the dentist in her childhood

Descubre más ejercicios para el FCE Listening part 1.

Listening part 2

You will hear someone called Michael Ford giving a presentation about ocean swimming. For these questions, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

“This is the first time I give a public presentation at University. I was pleasantly surprised when your teacher told me how many of you had shown an interest in this rather unusual sport so I am delighted to be here today to share my experience with you and offer you a few tips.

As you know, my name is Michael Ford and I won my first professional Ironman title at the age of 16. Since then, I have won another two world Ironman championships and four national titles. I guess you could call me a ‘salt water addict. (…)” 

Question 1: Michael is an accomplished athlete who won his first Ironman title at the age of 16, has two world and four _________ championship titles.

Descubre más ejercicios para el FCE Listening part 2.

Listening part 3

You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about their recent experiences at a local restaurant called Basilico.

SPEAKER 4: “I was lucky enough to visit this lovely restaurant last weekend with my family. We all had pizzas which were very tasty – thin crust with lots of flavourful toppings. The restaurant was busy with a lovely vibe. Our table was outside and we had beautiful sea views. Our waiter was new and slightly inexperienced but otherwise he was very pleasant. However, he was able to recommend us some delicious wines to go with our meal. Thank you for the wonderful evening, Basilico!”

Choose from the list A-H what the speaker didn’t like about their visit to the restaurant. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.

Speaker 4

  1. the limited wine list
  2. an error on the bill
  3. a rude hostess
  4. the inexperienced waiter
  5. the small meal portions
  6. the table not being ready
  7. a tough pork belly meal
  8. the food being cold

Descubre más ejercicios para el FCE Listening part 3.

Listening part 4

You will hear a radio interview with a woman called Olivia McKensey, who is a professor in biomedical engineering. For these questions, choose the best answer: A, B or C.

M: That sounds so interesting and extremely difficult too. What abilities or special qualities are required to become a scientist?

W: I don’t think there is one quality that makes you a scientist or not. I think it’s really about being motivated, working hard, not being afraid to take some risks and above all, not giving up easily. In my opinion, you don’t have to get straight A’s in maths or physics. You just have to be very curious and want to pursue an idea that you find exciting.

Ejercicios de cada una de las partes del listening B2 cambridge

According to Olivia, what are the essential characteristics of a scientist?

  1. She says you need excellent marks to qualify as a scientist.
  2. She says one quality in particular distinguishes good scientists: curiosity.
  3. She says it’s a combination of qualities that make a good scientist like, for example, interest, motivation, willingness to take risks and to work hard.

Descubre más ejercicios para el FCE Listening part 4.

¿Deseas obtener más ejercicios gratuitos en línea? Regístrate en la plataforma de GlobalExam para obtener las correcciones y más ejercicios. Práctica para el Listening FCE online.

Si quieres practicar para las otras pruebas, también tenemos algunos ejercicios gratuitos disponibles:

Consejos para el Listening Cambridge B2

  • Revisa las preguntas y respuestas: Cuando des esta parte del examen, tendrás alrededor de 30 segundos (o más, dependiendo de qué parte del Listening se trate) para leer la(s) pregunta(s) sobre el audio que vas a escuchar, ¡no desperdicies esta oportunidad! Te dará pistas sobre qué buscar a la hora de escuchar.
  • Presta atención a las palabras clave: Las famosas keywords siempre son importantes, especialmente en las grabaciones de audio, pues seguramente al menos una respuesta se basará en estas palabras.
  • Cuidado con las falsas pistas: Estos exámenes están diseñados para darte la información que necesitas en una variedad de maneras, pero ¡cuidado!, a veces el audio te menciona una hora, número o nombre distintos al correcto, presta especial atención cuando se trate de datos exactos.

Prepárate en línea con GlobalExam

En GlobalExam hemos escuchado a muchos estudiantes como tú y sus necesidades de aprendizaje. Por ello, decidimos lanzar nuestra plataforma con ejercicios modelo para ayudarte paso a paso en tu preparación a este tipo de certificación internacional.

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