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Preparing for the C1 Advanced (formerly CAE) is key to being able to achieve the score you want. Indeed, the C1 Advanced has 4 sections, and you need to know what to expect for each of them.

Keeping motivated and breaking down your learning into manageable chunks is an important strategy. Let’s look at different materials available for you to study and get you on the right track to pass the CAE exam!

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If you Google “Cambridge English CAE exam books” you will get a lot of results to help you study, although it is very difficult to choose a book online, as you cannot leaf through the book. That’s why we made a selection of the Top 5 Best Cambridge Advanced Books to study for the test!

Books and websites to study for CAE.

These books range from those that just focus on exam skill practice and those that mix language learning and exam skills.


There are many websites that you can use to help you study. Some for English language learning and others for exam skill practice. The official Cambridge English website has some good examples of past test papers for you to look at and complete. These can help you understand the layout of the exam and give you an idea of what to expect. Language sites such as British Council and blogs can also help you. Just be aware that blogs and personal websites don’t always have the most accurate and up-to-date info. They can still be useful though. Check out our selection of the best CAE websites!

Attending classes

Attending a class to study for your exam could be really helpful. Many language schools in cities all over the world offer exam classes and language development classes. You should be aware that many places ask for a certain level of English before they will allow you into an exam prep class. The benefits of this style of learning and keeping a routine of studying, getting support from others and your teacher, being able to have things explained that you don’t understand, and it can be an overall motivating experience too.

Going abroad to study

If this is an option available to you, then it is definitely worth considering. Going to an English speaking country will massively aid your language development and being able to attend both language and exam skills classes will help. You learn a more realistic use of English when you are immersed in an environment where it is used everyday. At the C1 Advanced level, it is this native level of language use that set you apart from other candidates.

Study abroad to train for CAE.

Another great resource: GlobalExam

GlobalExam is an online learning option available to you at anytime. We have built a learning platform specifically for language exam study. By registering with us, you can access areas to help develop your vocabulary and grammar, practice test skills in the five areas, take full tests under exam conditions, and track your progress at the same time. Take a better look at what we offer! We have a Free C1 Advanced test sample that you can try!

Don’t forget – making a study plan is really important. Good Luck!