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El examen CAE certifica el nivel Avanzado de inglés a todos aquellos candidatos que logran aprobar todas las pruebas que lo componen: CAE Use of English, Listening, Writing y Speaking. Cada una de estas evalúa nuestra capacidad de producir o comprender textos tanto en contexto oral como escrito. Dentro de las ocho partes que componen la primera de las pruebas -Use of English and Reading- la número 5 pondrá a prueba nuestra capacidad de entender un texto escrito y responder a preguntas sobre el contenido del mismo. En este artículo te contamos todo lo que vas a necesitas saber cuando te enfrentes a la parte 5 del Use of English and Reading. Además, conocerás:

  •  ¿En qué consiste el Reading and Use of English CAE part 5?
  • Ejemplo de la parte 5 del Use of English and Reading
  • Tips para realizar la parte 5 del Reading
  • Preparación en línea con GlobalExam

¿Sabes en qué consiste la parte 5 del Use of English and Reading?, ¿sabes cómo prepararte para realizarla correctamente? Lo sabrás todo tras leer el siguiente artículo. ¡Seguimos!

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¿En qué consiste el Reading and Use of English CAE part 5?

Antes de todo, no olvides que para aprobar un examen, lo que tienes que hacer son ejercicios, y nosotros te ponemos a disposición exámenes C1 Cambridge gratis para practicar.

La parte 5 se integra dentro de la parte del Reading o de la Comprensión Lectora y consiste en leer un texto y contestar a 6 preguntas sobre el contenido del mismo. Cada una de las preguntas ofrece cuatro opciones distintas (A, B, C, D) de las que debemos elegir una.

Ejercicio del Reading and Use of English CAE part 5

A continuación, te ofrecemos un ejemplo de la parte 5 del Reading donde verás un texto que podría aparecer en el examen con sus preguntas a modo de ejemplo. Si quieres practicar este texto y otros similares, encontrarás en GlobalExam multitud de actividades.

Conoce el Use of English part 5 del CAE

You are going to read a page from a website about a woman who helps homeless people and their dogs. For questions 1 – 6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.


Garry Gordon is sat in a restaurant in New York City. In front of him, sheets of paper with doodles are scattered over the table. As he elucidates his ideas, he frantically draws different modes of transport. Garry’s main passion is transportation. He fascinated by the science of moving people from one place to another. He spends his days tackling various problems related to transport infrastructure and design, and imagining what the future will look like.

Gordon is a futurist. Futurists are scientists who analyse current trends and use them to better picture what the future will hold. Futurists hope their science-based predictions about the future can better the decisions made today.

Some futurists study other fields, such as the environment or wider society. But Gordon is more interested in transport. He studied his major in Houston, and his time there forced him to rethink his views on US transportation.

There’s a lot about Houston to dislike, if public transport is your thing. The city is much too sprawling to navigate quickly (it can take hours to traverse the city during peak times) and there aren’t enough public transport options, such as buses or subways. However, Houston inspired Gordon.

“The city has always fascinated me. When you look at the rest of the US, most cities and states are analogous to Houston. Very few are like New York; in fact, I would say this place is unique.” said Gordon during a newspaper interview.

However, his belief is that over time, more and more parts of America will become like New York. The trend, he explains, is towards fewer and fewer cars. “The cost of owning a car in a major city is a challenge, for sure, both for individual citizens and the city itself.” Cars also demand huge amounts of space. Houston has a parking space to citizen ratio of almost 30:1. That’s nearly 65 million parking spaces!

Gordon highlights that such a ratio lacks efficiency. A lot of the time, those spaces are unoccupied. During peak times like Saturday afternoon, most of them are full. But at 2 a.m. on a Wednesday, the shopping center is deserted. “Cities are going to have to start creating new regulations governing this area, I believe,” says Montague. “This lack of efficiency in the use of space is probably the single greatest challenge for overcrowded cities, going forward.” He goes on to say that laws limiting the number of cars, or better technology and innovation will be part of this.

Buses suffer from a similar lack of efficiency, Gordon says. They’re sometimes full, but often not. However, picture a system where people used their smartphones to indicate they wanted to take the bus. They could change their routes, according to passenger demand.

Gordon is clear-eyed about how long these solutions will take; most of them will be many years in coming. Cities can be slow to enact change. Also, new systems of transportation can be prohibitively expensive. “But it’s coming,” he says.

The other truly exciting development is electric cars. “We need to lessen our reliance of gasoline” says Montague. “The problem is how to do it.” He believes technology has the answer. “If we have cars that are interlinked, they can alter their speeds during peak times to improve the flow of traffic,” he says.

One challenge related to electric cars is that it is difficult to produce batteries that are both powerful enough for these cars and cheap enough to be commercially viable. Part of the reason is that cars weigh so much. But Gordon argues you could also make cars out of strong types of plastic, especially composites. This would make them more economical. “This could be the next transport revolution,” he says. He believes such changes could come in the next twenty years.

In his capacity as a futurist, Gordon talks to other academics about his ideas at conferences around the US. He also offers counsel to businesses seeking to better understand the future so they can devise appropriate strategies. He is still optimistic about the future. “There are so many wonderful developments in the works. in forty or fifty years, we will live in a much-altered world.

Pregunta 1

What would best describe Gary Gordon?

A. He is an amateur transport enthusiast.
B. His job requires him to think of new concepts.
C. He enjoys sitting in cafes.
D. He is good at drawing.

Conoce más sobre la parte 5 del Use of English del CAE

Pregunta 2

Why do transport enthusiasts dislike Houston?

A. There is an excess of transport.
B. The city is not compact enough.
C. Rush hour is too busy.
D. It is like New York.

Pregunta 3

What is the biggest problem about cars in urban areas, according to Gordon?

A. the pollution
B. the price of cars
C. the cost of maintaining the infrastructure
D. the inefficient use of space

Pregunta 4

Gordon that the solution to many urban problems is the use of

A. smartphones.
B. the internet.
C. electric cars.
D. new buses.

Tips para esta parte

Si has conseguido llegar hasta esta parte del artículo ya conoces a la perfección la estructura de esta parte del examen y cuáles son los puntos importantes que debes tener en cuenta. Aparte de esto, te ofrecemos los siguientes consejos para que logres alcanzar tus objetivos:

  •  Lee antes las preguntas y compréndelas y después lee el texto

Aunque en otras partes de la prueba es necesario leer antes el texto, nuestro consejo es que aquí leas antes las preguntas y entiendas a la perfección la información que te están preguntando. De esta forma, al leer el texto ya sabrás identificar muchas de las respuestas.

La estructura del Use of English part 5 del CAE

  • Controla el tiempo

Tenemos 90 minutos para realizar toda la prueba, por lo que debemos organizar todas las pruebas en este tiempo para no perder demasiado en solo una parte u otra.

  • Revisa las respuestas

Antes de pasar a la siguiente prueba, siempre es recomendable repasar las respuestas que hemos dado para, de esta manera, estar a tiempo de corregirlas.

Prepárate con GlobalExam

Desde nuestra plataforma en línea te ofrecemos todo el material que necesitas para preparar el CAE o C1 Advanced, ya que nuestros especialistas han hecho un gran esfuerzo para hacerte más sencilla la preparación.

Entre este material encontrarás hojas de gramática y vocabulario, prácticas de cada una de las pruebas y modelos de exámenes para ponerte a prueba en tiempo real. ¡Compruébalo por ti mismo y accede a la plataforma!

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