Para la mayoría, la parte 3 del Listening es la más complicada. Se llama Multiple Matching y lo bueno es que, aunque sea la más compleja, es la que menos puntuación tiene.
Los que se presentan al examen son conscientes de ese hecho y hace que nos pongamos más nerviosos. Calma: una vez en la tercera prueba, pensemos que ya hemos superado las dos primeras partes del Listening, que ya no queda nada y que esto está hecho.
En este artículo vamos a ver en detalle la parte 3 del listening:
- Un ejemplo del examen oficial
- Cómo preparar bien esta parte 3
- Practica para el FCE con GlobalExam
Después de leer estas líneas, tendremos mucha más seguridad para enfrentarnos a esta parte del FCE.
Ejercicios para el FCE listening test parte 3
Vamos a ver un ejemplo que podríamos encontrarnos en esta parte del examen FCE.
Listening Part 3. You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about the last fantasy book they have read. For questions 19-23, choose from the list A-H the statements that correspond to each speaker. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use. You now have 30 seconds to look at Part 3.
SPEAKER 1: Let me start off by saying that I loved this book! It has earned a permanent place on my bookshelf and I’m recommending it to everyone I know. You don’t have to be an absolute fantasy devotee to like this book. I enjoyed the fact that the fantasy in this book is pretty light, with most of the story really being centered in our world. The author does a great job with the characters. They’re never so extreme that they don’t seem human. They’re always struggling with their nature, which is something all of us do.
SPEAKER 2: This was a very worthwhile read. I can confidently say that this is among the better reads available. I was impressed on many levels and the reading experience was an enjoyable one. I would recommend it to fans of the zombie apocalypse genre but I also think it would work for readers who might ordinarily avoid this type of novel. In simple terms it is a well written story featuring sound characterisation. I definitely recommend it and I would be happy to read more by this promising young author, especially the sequel to this one.
SPEAKER 3: Although this is quite a short story, with a limited number of characters, I found that they were still developed and interesting. In a similar way, there are only two or three settings where the action takes place. However, there are many twists in the story and it is surprising how easily some of the characters are manipulated as well as how trusting and untrustworthy people can be. When the tale came to a close I definitely wanted to find out more about them and the next book’s adventures should be great. To conclude, a highly enjoyable quick read that is well written, with quality characters and an intriguing ending.
SPEAKER 4: This is the first book in what is currently a trilogy and it’s engaging enough to want to see what happens next in this world. The finale was emotional and I was content with the outcome. I don’t really have anything negative to say about this book. For fans of complex adult fantasy or readers who dislike romantic storylines then this might not be for you. That being said, I thought the romance was well crafted and believable. It’s not the sort of book I’d normally read but I finished it within 24-hours and honestly found it tough to put down.
SPEAKER 5: This is by far one of the funniest works of fiction I have ever read. The characters, one of the biggest strengths in this book, bring a lot of charm and humour by managing to be both unique yet stereotypically British at the same time. There is so much going on, so many little details to keep track of, and yet it still manages to come together quite nicely to form a great story about what it means to be human. This is a fun story that uses side plots to make light of what can be some very serious and topical themes.
Speaker 1
A. It’s a very tender love story that would appeal to anyone who loves romance.
B. The characters are much more elaborate than what you would expect for such a relatively short novel.
C. It was great because, despite the fantasy elements it contained, it was easy to relate to the characters.
D. It was hilarious and allowed the reader to see the funny side of certain issues that people don’t always laugh about.
E. The love story was well-constructed and realistic.
F. The level of detail that went into creating this fantasy world is incredible.
G. Even people who are not into this kind of novel usually might find it appealing.
H. It was a quick, eloquent and very entertaining read with interesting people and a fascinating finish.
Las preguntas de los otros speakers son exactamente iguales a las del speaker 1. Si quieres tener las respuestas de esta parte, los puedes encontrar en nuestra plataforma. Además, te damos más ejercicios para esta parte si te inscribes con nosotros.
Es importante que también conozcas el FCE Listening part 1 y practiques para el listening FCE part 2 antes de rendir el examen. Si quieres practicar aún más, aquí tienes los ejercicios gratuitos disponibles en el blog de GlobalExam: ejercicios para el Listening B2 Cambridge y simulacros de examen Cambridge First.
Tips para aprobar el listening
En primer lugar, debemos recordar que la prueba del Listening dura unos 40 minutos aproximadamente. Se divide en cuatro partes que pueden sumar un total de 30 puntos, siendo 18 puntos la puntuación mínima para aprobar esta parte del FCE.
Algunos consejos para tener en cuenta de cara al examen:
- Estructura: antes de nada, hay que tener muy clara la estructura del listening FCE y de las preguntas.
- Leer las preguntas: Hay que leer bien todas las opciones que nos dan antes de que suene el audio. No estar atentos y solo escuchar sin leer es un error habitual que hace que fallemos.
- Audios: se escuchan dos veces, así que aprovechemos los tiempos para entender todo bien. Debemos tomar la decisión siempre en la segunda escucha.
- Anticipación: tenemos que intentar anticipar qué tipo de palabra o qué frase es la correcta. ¡Toma apuntes durante la grabación!
Practica el FCE en línea con GlobalExam
¿Te has quedado con ganas de realizar más ejercicios del FCE? Recuerda que la parte del Listening requiere muchísima práctica. En GlobalExam disponemos de mucho material para tu preparación para el FCE en línea, donde encontrarás ejercicios que te ayudarán en tu camino hace el examen FCE. Además, podrás prepararte para las distintas partes del examen como para el FCE listening part 4.
Si tu objetivo es presentarte al FCE y quieres que tu entrenamiento sea eficaz, regístrate con GlobalExam. En nuestra plataforma tendrás acceso a varios ejercicios de práctica y a las hojas de estudio que son esenciales para organizar tus conocimientos.
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