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What’s the best program to learn French online? This is today’s question and in this article you can find the answer, plus information about:

  • What to consider when choosing an online learning program
  • Our top 10 picks for the best program to learn French
  • Different methods for learning French
  • How to enhance your French skills with General Français, our top-grade language learning program!

If you’re new to the online learning world and looking for advice on choosing the best program to learn French for you, you’re in the right place!

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How to identify the best program to learn French

Identifying the best program to learn French is a lot about what you want and need to take from the course. Are you learning French for your job? In this case, the best program to learn French will include situation-specific vocabulary units relevant to your field. Here are a few key factors to take into account when looking for the best program to learn French for you.

Putting theory into practice

The basis of any good French course is grammar and vocabulary, but you’ll never become a confident French speaker if you spend all your time doing exercises and never enter into a conversation. The best program to learn French will be one that includes opportunities to put your knowledge to the test with dynamic tests, and real-to-life situation learning.

Testing your grammar

Any good online course will provide a solid grounding in grammar – we would be lost without it, after all! For productive learning, you’ll need to follow up your grammar learning with lots of exercises to put your knowledge into practice.

Expanding your vocabulary

As your level improves, you’ll need more and more vocabulary to express yourself effectively. The best program to learn French will have a strong focus on vocabulary, possibly divided into units to allow you, the learner, to pick and choose the lexical areas that will serve you best.

Correction and feedback

The best program to learn French will not only be a good source of information, but allow you to check your answers and get feedback from real French speakers. Before signing up to an online course, make sure you won’t be left completely alone to check your own work.


What’s the best program to learn French? Here’s our top 10

Here we break down our top 10 programs for studying French online. Paper and pen at the ready!

1. The all rounder: GlobalExam

No list of the best programs to learn French online would be complete without giving GlobalExam a special mention! Our e-learning platform is a 100% digital language-learning experience offering exam preparation courses, specialist business language content, and general language learning content for students at all levels. When you learn with Global General, you’ll get access to:

  • Top quality grammar and vocabulary lessons
  • A variety of learning content, including videos and audio
  • Situation-specific learning materials
  • Personalized feedback from tutors

2. The big-budget option: Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone’s French study software is often considered the best program to learn French among big companies training their staff in new languages. As a student of theirs, you’ll receive a software package including:

  • A study plan tailored to your personal goals
  • Voice recognition technology to help with pronunciation feedback
  • Real-life-scenario learning materials

3. For grammar lovers: Bescherelle

Bescherelle is an authority in French grammar, making this course the best program to learn French for the grammar-obsessed learners among us. When you sign up to their My Coach learning service, you can expect:

  • A personalized app-based learning experience
  • 50 audio-based dictation exercises
  • 100 quizzes on the French language
  • Fun learning games

4. The daily dose: Larousse

Larousse’s answer to the question of the best program to learn French online is Frantastique. Their approach to learning French is with daily lessons in grammar, with a short story, and, of course, corrections. Frantastique learners are promised:

  • Daily French lessons sent directly by email
  • Immediate exercise corrections with your daily score
  • A personalized study program for your level
  • A one-month free trial

5. For app learners: Duolingo

Everyone has heard of Duolingo, and for good reason. Simply download the Duolingo app and you’re ready to go with on-the-go French learning through immersive games and absolutely no serious grammar lessons. It’s proven that learning any new skill is more effective when we study for short but regular bursts, and that’s exactly how Duolingo is designed to be used.

6. The immersive one: Babbel

Babbel has designed a learning method focused on preparing students for real-life conversations. If your goal is to be an active French speaker using French in everyday situations, this might be the best program to learn French for you. Download the app and get plunged straight into real-life dialogues. Babbel also uses speech recognition technology to allow students expression practice from the get go.

7. The theatrical one: French for Beginners G.U.T.S.

For an atypical learner, the best program to learn French will be equally atypical. This paid online French course offers grammar and vocabulary lessons with a twist, dividing their content into acts in a play and using comic strips with recurring characters to keep learners engaged.

8. The native option: Busuu

The feature that earns Busuu a place among our picks for the best program to learn French is the possibility to practice speaking French with other learners and native speakers. When you complete a writing or speaking exercise, other fluent French learners on the app can correct and comment on it, or you can simply engage in a chat.

9. The zero-commitment option: BBC Guide to French

If you’re learning French on a budget, you may not have the time or money to invest in a new learning resource. In this case, we recommend choosing a free, online study resource like this one. Here, learners can find interesting French facts, audio phrases for learning key phrases and the French alphabet, and games.

10. The self-study option: Progress with Lawless French

If you’re a self-starter who thrives off learning independently, Laura Lawless’ French grammar blog might be the best program to learn French with. In addition to her blog, packed full of grammar and vocabulary lessons for learners of all levels, you can sign up to her paid learning program. A subscription will give you access to ten French language quizzes per month, including writing challenges, a personalized study plan, and dictation exercises.

Why it’s important to choose the right training program

Hopefully this top 10 has given you lots of ideas for finding the best program to learn French. However, instead of opting for the easiest or cheapest option, we recommend taking the time to make sure you choose the right program to suit your learning style and needs. Before choosing a program, consider:

  • Does the program offer content targeted to your level?
  • Is the style what you’re looking for? Pure grammar, interactive material, games?
  • Are you looking for situation-specific vocabulary? (Travel, business, university)
  • Does the program fit your budget?

If you opt for a paid option, it’s a good idea to do your research before committing to a program. Take a moment to define your objectives and needs and it’ll be all the easier to identify the best program to learn French for you!


Other alternative ways to learn French

Although online programs, such as applications and e-learning websites, are one of the best ways to learn French, both because it is one of the easiest way to learn the language and because it is one of the best methods to learn by your own, all learners are different and prefer different resources. If you’re considering using different resources or incorporating other types of learning methods into your French study program, we have a few suggestions to take note of.

Learn with videos

What if we told you that you can incorporate French learning into relaxing on the sofa? Improving your French through films, TV series, and YouTube videos is a great way to incorporate a foreign language into your daily life without feeling like you’re taking a lesson. Depending on your level, you can use subtitles in French or your own language to help understand.

Learn with audio

If you never go anywhere without a pair of headphones, it’s a good idea to bring some French language learning to your playlist. Try adding French music to your repertoire, or squeezing in a French podcast on your way to work. In fact, audio media are really useful as they offer the possibility to learn the language while doing something else. For example, listening to songs and radio you can learn French while driving, listening to podcasts you can learn French while sleeping. Nice, isn’t it?

Read in French as much as possible

Learning a language doesn’t have to be all lessons and grammar exercises. Even from the early stages, you can begin to enjoy and appreciate French books and  literature. Start small with children’s books or short stories, and before you know it you’ll be opening your first French novel. Not only is this a great way to take on some French culture, it’ll also expand your vocabulary. We know that this is not the most fun method, but in any case you can combine this training with some games to learn French.

Learn French online with Global Exam’s Global General

Hopefully we’ve convinced you that online learning could be the way to take your French to the next level. Our top 10 picks for the best program to learn French should give you plenty of ideas for how to get started in your quest for a good online learning resource, but let’s finish by taking a quick look at how Global General can help. If you’re looking for an easy-to-use online learning platform designed for general French language learning, Global General is the place for you. Here are just some of the materials we offer our learners:

  • 12 hours or more of unique study content at your level
  • CECRL-standard learning resources
  • Fun activities mixed in with quality grammar and vocabulary lessons
  • Flashcards to help integrate newly acquired words into your long-term memory
  • Audio and video materials that plunge you into real-to-life situations
  • “Did you know” trivia activities
  • And more!

Once you’ve figured out the kind of learning content you need to suit your study style and objectives, there’s nothing left to do but sign up and start sharpening your French skills!