The TOEFL IBT is a world famous exam and the TOEFL ITP is a tool for universities and colleges to track language levels. They are both English-language tests aimed at candidates learning English as a foreign language. They are similar in many ways but also different. What is TOEFL ITP ? In what way is it different from TOEFL IBT? How can you prepare for the TOEFL ITP and IBT exams? Find out the answers to all of these questions in this article.
Take a look at the table below. It compares both of the exams and lets you see which one is going to be best for you.
Skills areas | Reading Writing Listening Speaking | Reading Listening Structure and Written Expression |
Skill differences | Listening extracts are shorter Readings can be shorter and as long as those in IBT |
Levels of tests available | Don’t have different levels | 2 levels available. Level 1 = intermediate to advanced Level 2 = high beginner to intermediate |
Minimum pass score | No minimum | Level 1 = 310 Level 2 = 200 |
Taking the test | ETS approved centres | Individual universities /colleges/language centres |
Marking | By ETS at the home office | At the centre where the test is taken. (results are usually available quicker that IBT scores). |
Validity | 2 years | 2 years |
Time allowed | 3 hours total | Level 1 = 2 hours Level 2 = 1 hr 10mins |
The price of the TOEFL ITP can also be different from the TOEFL IBT but both exams test academic English.
Which exam is best for me?
Well… only you can decide that. The main thing to think about is what you want the test score for. TOEFL IBT is designed to help you gain entry to college or university. It is an English- language requirement test. The TOEFL ITP is for those who are already attending a college or university or as an alternative language test for entry to a specific university; and want or need to be able to show progress in their English-language abilities. You should also check with your university. If you have taken ITP in your language school as a high school student, some universities in the USA will offer placements based on those scores. This means you don’t have to take another language test for college or university entry.
The best advice is to ask!
Where do I start with all the studying?
Now that you have decided which test to take. You need to register and set a date. Don’t choose one that is too far away or one that is next week. You need to give yourself time to brush up on your English language skills and those all important exam skills. Getting used to the test format is also key to your success. Find out what your test score goal is too…this will help you focus.
There are many resources out there with the help of Google and official books that can help you. Just make sure the resources you use are from valid sources. This is very important to check! You can also use online test material providers like us! Global Exam is a platform build to help people study for language exams. We offer support for official exams in French, Spanish, English to name a few. Sign up for a free account to gain access to a fantastic sample of our high quality materials.
Good luck!