

1番目のIELTSリスニングテストの次に行われるテストは、リーディングテストです。この試験では、しっかりと準備をすれば簡単にスコアが取れます。試験は3つのタイプの長文から成る全40問 。設問の形式は文章によって異なります。







  • Reading passage 1


A What you eat and drink is directly related to your health. But you may not think twice about the possibility of contaminated food or water, or a lack of vitamins in your diet. Not long ago, diseases caused by vitamin deficiencies were still fairly common. The first vitamins were identified less than 100 years ago, but today the vitamins found in foods are printed on labels.

B Even today we still face food-related causes of illness. For example, you might hear about an outbreak of food poisoning, and mad cow disease was only recognized in the late 1980’s. Of perhaps greater concern to you are food allergies. Many people suffer from severe, even life threatening, allergies to foods such as peanuts and shellfish. Beyond questions about the sources of food are questions and concerns about what people eat and how much they eat. For example, scientists estimate that more than 60 percent of adults in the United States are overweight or obese. The health consequences of obesity include increased risks of diabetes, stroke, heart disease, breast cancer, colon cancer and other health problems. Biology can help you to better understand all of these health-related issues.

C An understanding of biology on many different levels –genetic, chemical, and cellular, for example — can help you make any number of lifestyle choices that affect your health. Why is it important to use sunscreen? What are the benefits of exercise? What are the effects of using alcohol, illegal drugs and tobacco? Cigarette smoke does not just affect the lungs; it can also change a person’s body chemistry and have strong negative effects on the kidneys. Non smokers normally have a normal enzyme level, while smokers have lower enzyme levels. Lower levels of monoamine oxidase in the brain can affect mood, and lower levels in the liver could contribute to high blood pressure.

Biology and the World Around You

D In 1995, some middle school students from Minnesota were walking through a wetland and collecting frogs for a school project. The students stopped to look at the frogs and what they saw shocked them. Many of the frogs had deformities, including missing legs, extra legs, and missing eyes. What caused the deformities? Scientists investigated that question by testing several hypotheses. They studied whether the deformities could have been caused by factors such as a chemical in the water, ultraviolet radiation, or some other type of infection.

E Why would frog deformities such as that provoke such scientific interest? The frogs are a part of an ecosystem, so whatever affected them could affect other species in the area. If the deformities were caused by a chemical in the water, might the chemical pose a risk to people living in the area? In other regions of the United States parasites caused similar deformities in frogs. Might that parasite also be present in Minnesota? If so, did it pose a risk to other species?

F At first, parasites were not found in the frogs. However, scientists now suggest that the frog deformities were due to a combination of infection by parasites, called trematodes, and predation by dragonfly nymphs. Science has answered some questions about the cause of the leg deformities. However, scientists now think that a chemical may be connected to the increased number of parasite infections.

G Suppose that the chemical comes from a factory in the area. Is it reasonable to ban the chemical? Should the factory be closed or fined? In any instance like this, political, legal, economic, and biological concerns have to be considered. What is the economic impact on the factory on the area? Is there any evidence of human health problems in the area? Is there a different chemical that could be used? Without an understanding of biology, how could you make an informed decision related to any of these questions?

H These are the types of questions that people try to answer every day. Biologists and other scientists research environmental issues such as pollution, biodiversity, habitat preservation, land conservation, and natural resource use, but decisions about the future are not in the hands of scientists. It is up to everyone to make decisions based on evidence and conclusions from many different sources.


Label the missing words on the diagram below using words from the following paragraph from the text :

An understanding of biology on many different levels –genetic, chemical, and cellularm for example — can help you make any number of lifestyle choices that affect your health. Why is it important to use sunscreen? What are the benefits of exercise? What are the effects of using alcohol, illegal drugs and tobacco? Cigarette smoke does not just affect the lungs; it can also change a person’s body chemistry and have strong negative effects on the kidneys. Non smokers normally have a normal enzyme level, while non smokers have lower enzyme levels. Lower levels of monoamine oxidase in the brain can affect mood, and lower levels in the liver could contribute to high blood pressure.

Write your answers in boxes 1 – 7 on your answer sheet.


This passage has eight sections, A-H.
Choose the correct heading for sections B, C, E – G and from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number i-ix in boxes 8-12 on your answer sheet.

8. Section B __________
9. Section C __________
10. Section E __________
11. Section F __________
12. Section G __________



Multiple choice
「Not Given」は、どちらの場合でもない場合に選びます
Matching information
本文の内容と選択肢をマッチングさせる問題。例えば「Men discovered fire 790 000 years ago」は「The keys to humain growth and development」と一致します。

Matching headings
Matching sentence endings
Sentence completion
文章の空欄に入る言葉を想像して書く問題です。最大何語使ってよいかに気を付けてください。例えば「No more than 2 or 3 words!」
Summary/note/table/flow chart completion
Diagram label completion
文章を読み、図表中の空所を文章中の語句を使い完成させる問題です。最大何語使ってよいかに気を付けてください。例えば「No more than 2 or 3 words!」
Short-answer questions
最大何語使ってよいかに気を付けてください。例えば「No more than 2 or 3 words!」

時間をうまく管理することも、リーディングテストに成功するための戦略の1つです。 1時間で全40問に回答できるように、時間を調整しましょう。文章は難易度の高い順になっているため、理想的な時間配分は、1番目の文章に15分、2番目の文章に20分、最後の文章に25分です。


アドバイス1 : 問題の指示内容を注意深く読んでください。

問題の指示を正しく理解していないと、スコアを落とすことになります。 例えば「Answer Yes, No or Not Given」から選ぶ場合、文章の内容に合っている場合に「Yes」を選択し、文章の内容と異なる場合に「No」を選びます。そしてどちらの場合でもない場合は「Not Given」は選びます。
迷いがある場合は「Not Given」を選ばずに、文章をよく読んで、内容に合っているかいないかについて考えることをおすすめします。

アドバイス2 : 時間は限られているので、分からない問題には3分以上費やさないでください。そうすることで、一度問題を全て解き終わった後にもう一度分からなかった問題に取り組むことができます。



