Labour Day, May Day or International Workers’ Day is celebrated on 1st May in most countries. It commemorates the struggle carried out by workers around the world to reduce the working hours. In this article, we are going to learn a lot of vocabulary related to work. If you continue reading, you will find:
- General vocabulary about the world of work and employment
- Vocabulary listed by fields of work
- Titles and forms of address
- Some useful advice to learn vocabulary quickly
Well, let ‘s get to work!
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Work And Employment
We are going to start by learning some general vocabulary which will be very useful for situations such as looking for a job, applying for it and talking about the contract.
List Of Words Related to Work – Liste de mots liés au travail
a job | un emploi, un poste, un travail |
an occupation | un métier, une profession |
a career | une carrière |
a vocation, a calling | une vocation |
a job application | une demande d’emploi, une candidature |
to apply for a post | poser sa candidature à un poste |
a vacancy | un poste à pourvoir |
a job advertisement | une offre d’emploi |
a curriculum vitae; a CV | un curriculum vitae, un CV |
skills | les compétences |
qualifications | les diplômes |
work experience | l’expérience professionnelle |
training | une formation / un stage |
to recruit sb | recruter qqn |
to hire sb as | embaucher qqn |
a work contract | un contrat de travail |
to sign a contract | signer un contrat avec qqn |
a term contract | un contrat à durée déterminée |
part-time | à temps partiel |
half-time | à mi-temps |
full-time | à temps plein |
a salary | un salaire |
to earn 3,000 euros a month | toucher / gagner 3,000 euros par mois |
Job Sectors
Now, let’s continue with some vocabulary about occupations and jobs according to different fields of work.
Medical Jobs
List Of Medical Jobs – Liste de Emplois médicaux
a doctor | un médecin, un docteur |
a GP | un médecin généraliste |
a nurse | un infirmier, une infirmière |
a surgeon | un chirurgien |
a psychologist | un psychologue |
a dentist | un dentiste |
a midwife | une sage-femme |
a veterinarian | un vétérinaire |
Education Jobs
There are unforgettable teachers; those who have helped us discover our talents and who have encouraged us to believe in ourselves. Inspiring teachers are able to mentor students and guide them to succeed in life.
Jobs Related To Education – Métiers de l’éducation
a preschool teacher | un enseignant; une enseignante de maternelle |
a primary school teacher | un instituteur, une institutrice |
a secondary school teacher | un enseignant, une enseignante de second degré |
a lecturer | un maître de conférences; une maîtresse de conférences |
a professor | un, une professeur |
a tenured teacher | un, une titulaire |
head of the department | chef de section, d'institut, de département |
Service Occupations
Let’s see some of the most common jobs that belong to this category:
Service Jobs – Métiers des services
a firefighter | un pompier |
a cashier | un caissier, une caissière |
a hairdresser | un coiffeur, une coiffeuse |
a call centre representative | un téléconseiller |
a travel agent | un agent de voyages |
a secretary | un, une secrétaire |
a first-aid-worker | un, une secouriste |
Agriculture Jobs
Some of the most common jobs in this field are:
Agriculture Jobs – Les métiers de l’agriculture
a farmer | un agriculteur, une agricultrice |
a fish farmer | un aquaculteur, une aquacultrice, un pisciculteur, une piscicultrice |
a horticulturist, gardener | un horticulteur, une horticultrice |
a forest engineer | un ingénieur forestier |
an enologist | un oenologue, une oenologue |
a winegrower | un viticulteur, une viticultrice |
a market gardener / truck farmer | un maraîcher, une maraîchère |
a farm machinery operator | un conducteur de machines agricoles |
Art Jobs
Below you will find a list of art jobs:
Art Jobs – Métiers artistiques
an artist | un, une artiste, un dessinateur, une dessinatrice |
a craftsman | un artisan |
an art critic | un, une critique d’art |
a curator | un conservateur, une conservatrice |
an auctioneer | un commissaire-priseur |
a sculptor | un sculpteur |
a cartoonist | un dessinateur humoristique |
Transport Jobs
The transportation sector includes jobs in industries that transport passengers, materials or goods by means of private and public transportation (bus, boat, plane, rail, etc.). The following list will allow you to familiarize yourself with different occupations in this industry.
Transport Jobs – Les métiers dans le transport
a truck/taxi/bus driver | un chauffeur routier, une conductrice de camion un chauffeur de taxi/ bus, une conductrice de taxi/bus |
a shipping agent | un agent de transit, une agente de transit |
a boatman | un batelier, une batelière |
a warehouse clerk | un magasinier, une magasinière |
a sailor | un matelot, une matelote, un marin |
an air traffic controller | un contrôleur aérien, une contrôleuse aérienne |
a pilot | un pilote |
Liberal Professions
Have you thought about creating your own enterprise? Then, it is important to know what the nature of your profession is. If you are going to engage in an activity for which you will essentially provide intellectual, technical or care services, it will certainly be a liberal profession! Liberal professions are intellectual activities exercised individually and under the worker’s responsibility. They require academic qualifications. There are regulated and non-regulated activities. Let’s see some of the most common ones:
Liberal Professions – Professions libérales
Non-regulated Liberal Professions | Professions libérales non-réglementées |
a proofreader | un correcteur, une correctrice |
a graphic designer | un, une graphiste |
a press secretary | un attaché, une attachée de presse |
a translator | un traducteur, une traductrice |
a driving school instructor | un moniteur, une monitrice d’auto-école |
a physical trainer | un, une coach sportif |
a psychoanalyst | un, une psychanalyste |
a consultant, an advisor | un consultant, une consultante |
Regulated Liberal Professions | Professions libérales réglementées |
a magistrate | un magistrat |
a judge | un, une juge |
a lawyer, a barrister, an attorney, a counselor | un avocat, une avocat |
a clerk of the Court | un greffier |
a notary | un notaire |
an architect | un, une architecte |
an accountant | un, une comptable |
Job Titles And Forms of Address
Job titles indicate the kind of work you do, what your role is, your authority and duties. They can also indicate how much experience you have. In addition, they are a way of showing respect and politeness. Below you will find some examples of them.
Job Titles – Titre officiel de courtoisie
In French, it is not usual to call people by the name of their profession. Contrary to English, for example, the words “serveur, serveuse” (waiter) are not used as terms of address. When you are in a restaurant, you should say: “S’il vous plaît !” or “Excusez-moi.” Currently, the word “garçon” to address a waiter is outdated.
Similarly to English, “Docteur” (Doctor in a medical sense) is a job or profession which we can use as a term of address in French. For example: “Puis-je vous parler un moment, docteur, s’il vous plaît?” So, “Docteur” is the term of address for professions such as: “médecin, chirurgien, pharmacien, vétérinaire”. It is used for both masculine and feminine.
When a doctor teaches at the university, the title commonly used is: “Professeur.”
Likewise, “Monsieur ou Madame le Professeur” is used for university professors.
Some common titles in legal professions are:
- For judges: Madame le Juge / Monsieur le Juge
- For lawyers or notaries: Maître Nicole Chambost, Maître Christophe Remy
Some common titles in business management are:
- For a CEO: Monsieur le Président-Directeur Général” and: “Madame la Présidente-Directrice Générale (PDG)
- For a managing director: Monsieur le Directeur Général” and: “Madame la Directrice Générale
Some Tips To Learn Vocabulary:
Do you want to master vocabulary in French in a short time? Well, it is possible! Follow our advice:
Tip #1: Read, read, read!
This will help you familiarize with nouns, gender and the right spelling of words. Choose something you enjoy reading: magazines, novels or short stories (adapted according to your level), brochures, etc.
Tip #2: Do you like stand-up comedians and Youtubers?
Look for a French one! Listen to him or her with subtitles in French, if possible. This will help you improve colloquial vocabulary and slang.
Tip #3: Write little word cards
On one side, you write the word or phrase in French, you can add a picture, if you wish. On the other side, you write its definition. Then, put all of them inside your pencil case, choose one at random and try to remember the meaning. Do this at different moments during the day!
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Take some times to read more articles we have written for you to enrich your French vocabulary and improve your language level.
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