The solution for acing your language certification exam.
Practice, gain confidence, and get your certification with the online platform specializing in personalized preparation for language exams.
3 million users
reach their goals with GlobalExam
Tailored preparation to match your level and your target score
Over 47,000 practice exercises
for the leading language tests
Which certification are you preparing for?
- English
- French
- Spanish
- German
- Mandarin

Why should you certify your language level?
Certifying your language level allows you to asses your knowledge based on a general common core. Language certifications vouch for your language level on your resume and give you access to career opportunities which require the mastery of one or several foreign languages.
Obtaining a foreign language certification is often a requisite for studying or moving abroad, or even for obtaining a foreign citizenship. A high enough score on this test confirms that the test taker’s current level is sufficient for joining a new cultural and linguistc environment.
Taking a foreign language certification is also an opportunity to challenge yourself and prove your language level to yourself. Preparing for a language exam also allows you to not just make progress on numerous subjects but also to review what you have learned and strengthen your weaker points.
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Obtain your language certification with Exam
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