Prepare for the TOEIC Bridge, as simple as that.
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- 25 points earned
What is the TOEIC Bridge?
The TOEIC Bridge is a version of TOEIC (Test Of English for International Communication) dedicated to the certifying beginner to intermediate levels. It is aimed at non-English speaking people who are just starting to learn English. This specific test was designed to assess candidates with a basic level of English. Like the classic TOEIC, it assesses English skills in a professional context. The TOEIC Bridge mainly assesses the candidate’s ability to read and understand everyday English. Though it targets individuals with a relatively low level of English, it remains a reference in the world of English exams for the professional realm. This test will allow you to have a fair idea of your level but also to look into possible areas where you can improve and progress.
Key information
TOEIC Bridge
Total duration: 1h
Assesses oral and written comprehension
100 multiple choice questions
Scored out of 180 points
Ready to pass the TOEIC Bridge?
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Ready to pass the TOEIC Bridge?
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TOEIC Bridge: don't forget!
The TOEIC Bridge assessment is divided into two sections, each is made up of 50 questions in the form of a multiple choice questionnaire. The entire test is administered on paper and lasts 1 hour 30 minutes, including the first half hour of administrative questions. The 100 questions on the test are to do with everyday English but also to English used in the business world.
TOEIC Bridge Listening: oral comprehension test
The first part is oral comprehension, called “Listening”. It lasts 25 minutes and is itself divided into 3 parts: description of photos, questions/answers then conversations and presentations. In this test, the candidate listens to different types of audio recordings and the questions concern these recordings. This test is used to certify your ability to understand teachers, employers or colleagues, depending on the situation.
Listening Part A: 15 photos are presented successively to the candidate. For each photo, 4 different statements are made orally. These statements relate to the general situation represented by the photo and the candidate is led to choose the one that best corresponds to the image. It tests out both your oral comprehension but also your memory as the suggested answers will only be heard once.
To help you better understand the challenges of this test, here are some examples:Example 1:
The photo shows 3 surgeons operation on a patient.
Multiple choice question
- The doctors are talking to the patient
- The doctors are in surgery
- The doctor is handing the nurse a glove
- The lights are off
Example 2:
The photo shows two men chatting on a bench.
Multiple choice question
- The man is pointing to his friend
- The boy is trying to get his father’s attention
- Both men are smiling
- The men are dressed for summer
Listening Part B: this part is made up of 20 questions asked orally and is to do with everyday subjects. Each of these questions are followed by three different answers from a second person. The candidate must then choose the correct answer from these three suggestions. Questions and answers cannot be heard more than once.
Here are some examples of questions that can be asked in Listening Part B of the TOEIC Bridge:
Example 1:
Are you off this weekend?
- Yes, I am
- I work on monday
- I was
Right answer: A
Example 2:
Who can fix the sink?
- It is broken
- I am okay
- The plumber can
Right answer: A
Listening Part C: during this last oral comprehension test, the candidate hears 15 short conversations concerning daily life. Each conversation can only be heard once and is followed by a question along with 4 suggested answers.
You will be able to get a more precise idea of what this test involves due to these few examples
The candidate hears:
Example 1:
“Man 1: Did you hear that we are going to receive new ID cards today?
Man 2: Yes. Judy told me about that. Do you know where we need to go?
Man 1: She told me we just need to go downstairs to Human Resources.”Question:
Why will the speakers go downstairs?
- To see Judy
- To visit Human Resources
- To talk about their ideas
- To pick up their ID cards
Right answer: D
Example 2:
The candidate hears:
(Woman) Good morning everyone. Our exhibit for this month’s artist, Gabriel Montana, begins here in the west wing. As we go through his work, you will see a progression from his early years until his most recent work.If you have any questions, please let me know.
Where is the speaker?
- At the airport
- At an art museum
- At a hotel
- At an art supply store
Right answer: B
TOEIC Bridge Reading: written comprehension test
The second part of TOEIC Bridge is a written comprehension test. Also called “Reading”, it lasts around 35 minutes. The candidate reads several sentences and texts and the latter has to answer multiple choice questions. The test is divided into two subsections, the first in the form of sentences which needs to be completed and the second in the form of comprehension questions about documents.
Part 1 - incomplete sentences: the sentences are accompanied by 4 possible answers to choose from. Here are a few examples:
Example 1:
______ I please ride my bike to school?
- Ought
- Will
- Shall
- May
Right answer: D
Example 2:
______ I had practiced more, I would have won a trophy.
- Could
- Would
- If
- Should
Right answer: C
Part 2 - comprehension questions: in this test, documents are presented to the candidate (letters, announcements, advertisements, forms, etc.) and the latter must answer questions on these.
Example 1:
The document presented is a notice intended for inhabitants of a residence. It says:
“Please take trash to the locale on the ground floor (to the right of the mailroom). Please do not leave trash bags on the street outside the building. Also, please use the recycling bins as follows : blue for paper, green for glass, red for plastic, and yellow for aluminium. Please turn out hall lights before exiting the building. Thanks, Management.”
Question 1:
Where are residents instructed to leave their trash ?
- On the street
- In the locale
- Behind the mailroom
- On the ground floor
Right answer: B
Question 2:
Which recycling bin should be used for plastic ?
- Red
- Blue
- Green
- Yellow
Right answer: A
Question 3:
What should residents do before leaving the building ?
- Take out their trash
- Use the correct recycling bin
- Switch off hall lights
- Pick up their mail
Right answer: C
The TOEIC Bridge is scored on 180 points. The listening comprehension test is worth 90 points, as is the written comprehension test. The final score corresponds to the sum of the scores of the two parts in the test.
The score obtained at the TOEIC Bridge assesses the candidate's oral and written comprehension in equivalent ratios. This score can then be converted into a scale level, due to the equivalences with the linguistic levels established by the CEFR. This equivalence between the TOEIC Bridge and the CEFR allows candidates to highlight their TOEIC Bridge certification on their CV. The TOEIC Bridge is aimed at beginners or intermediate candidates in English, the equivalent of CEFR levels is therefore only included between A1 and B1 levels.
Level A1 (beginner) | Level A2 (beginner intermediate) | Level B1 (intermediate) | |
TOEIC Bridge Score | between 92 and 132 | between 134 and 178 | between 170 and 180 |
Conditions | have obtained at least 46 points in oral comprehension and at least 46 points in written comprehension | have obtained at least 70 points in oral comprehension and at least 64 in written comprehension | obtained at least 86 points in oral comprehension and at least 84 in written comprehension |
You can't really fail at the TOEIC Bridge. This evaluation is simply intended to certify the linguistic level of an individual at a time T (therefore at the time when he takes the test).To put it otherwise, the TOEIC Bridge is used to fairly confirm a candidate's level of understanding in English. Therefore, this certificate makes it possible to officially highlight your level of English as part of a job search, but also, in a more personal context, to identify areas for improvement, which need to be taken into account, to forge ahead with your language learning.
To register for the TOEIC Bridge, you must go online. Like many language exams (IELTS, TOEFL, etc.), the TOEIC Bridge relies on an exclusively digital registration protocol. If you wish to take the TOEIC Bridge, you must register via the ETS (Educational Testing Service) site, the organization that created and administered the test. The ETS website is the only way to register for the TOEIC Bridge, unless your institution handles the registration for you. While registering, you will need to choose an exam center and a date for the exam. The more you register in advance, the more likely you are to find a spot to take the TOEIC Bridge on the date, which suits you best.
The TOEIC Bridge registration price varies depending on the country.
The TOEIC Bridge is a standard language exam which is highly coded. It is regulated by specific instructions and standard exercises with a particular function. To get the best possible score at the TOEIC Bridge, it is important to get to know the structure and instructions of the test in advance, in order to get familiarized with its specific rules.
Therefore, a good preparation at the TOEIC Bridge not only includes purely grammatical, syntactic and lexical revisions, but also finding out how the test takes place. To do so, you can train yourself through standard exercises, in keeping with those of the TOEIC Bridge, but also mock subjects which will allow you to learn to manage your time by training in real exam conditions. Finishing mock exams on time is important for your preparation because it will allow you to get familiarized with the structure of the test entirely and this shall certainly avoid unpleasant surprises on the day of the exam.
At GlobalExam, we are proud to have developed an effective and complete TOEIC Bridge preparation solution. To provide you with the best possible online training, we offer you a smart combination of standard exercises of the test with their detailed corrections and mock exams. These fully comply with the initial test and possess all the exercises which are given in the TOEIC Bridge. Due to the mock exams present on our platform, the future candidate for the TOEIC Bridge can prepare for the test in real conditions, in the set time, like on the D-Day.
The different standard exercises allow the candidate to get familiarized with the instructions, to assess his level and identify his weak points, to be able to improve these by working on particular exercises.
On the GlobalExam training platform, we also help learners with precise progress monitoring. The “Statistics and Corrections” section gives you access to your day-to-day progress evolution, not to mention it allows you to follow and analyze your evolution over time, so that you can achieve your score goal in the long run..
Our team of certified teachers, who have created the exercises on our training platform, have also written several online English courses. On the GlobalExam blog, you can find a rich set of grammar and vocabulary concerning the key concepts, on how to succeed at the TOEIC Bridge. Last but not least, our GlobalExam blog also has many articles dealing with practical information related to passing the TOEIC Bridge (registration procedures, understanding your score, etc.).