Prepare Bright Deutsch, as simple as that.
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What is the Bright Deutsch?
The tests offered by the Bright Language organization are only available online. They allow companies to assess the skills of their employees in a professional context, for the following languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Dutch, Flemish, Swedish, Russian and Mandarin Chinese. A close-up on the Bright Deutsch, a tool for assessing the German language. Bright Deutsch is the German version of language tests managed by the Bright Language organization. As explained previously, it is a language test which is used for professional purposes. Bright Deutsch is present in no less than 80 countries, where companies use it as a recruiting tool.
Key information
Bright Deutsch
Total duration: 1h
Assesses oral and written comprehension
Certification valid for 2 years
Scored out of 5 points
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Ready to pass the Bright Deutsch?
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Bright Deutsch: don't forget!
Bright Deutsch is carried out online, it lasts 45 to 60 minutes. It is divided into two parts assessing two distinct areas of skills. The first part of Bright Deutsch (Bright Deutsch Reading) deals with grammar, vocabulary and language structure. The second part (the Bright Deutsch Listening) assesses the candidate's oral comprehension. Each of these two sections contain 60 questions, presented in the form of a multiple choice question.
Bright Reading : 30 minutes
This first part of Bright Deutsch is devoted to written comprehension. We assess your level of grammar, your syntax and the richness of your vocabulary in German here, through several questions. Generally speaking, the Bright Reading exercises include filling the gap sentences, which need to be completed with 4 choices selectively. The sentences have various levels of complexity, since the aim is to assess all candidate profiles, regardless of their basic level.
Bright Reading has a total of 60 multiple choice questions and lasts approximately 30 minutes. Here are a few examples :
Example 1 :
Der kleine Junge ___ gerne schon so stark wie die großen Jungs.
- A. wären
- B. wäre
- C. wärst
- D. wäret
Correct response and explanations : The correct answer is (B) because it is the subjunctive 2 of the third person in the singular. (A), (C) and (D) relate to other cases.
Example 2 :
Dieses Jahr möchte der Chef eine ____ Abwicklung der Bestellvorgänge erreichen als im Vorjahr.
- A. schnelle
- B. schnellere
- C. schnelles
- D. schnellen
Correct response and explanations : The correct answer is (B) because it is the second degree of comparison of the adjective, which adapts to the noun in the singular. (A), (C) and (D) relate to other cases.
Example 3 :
Nach dem geplatzten Deal war der Bereichsleiter etwas ausfallend, ____ er sich auf jeden Fall entschuldigen sollte.
- A. womit
- B. wofür
- C. wobei
- D. wovon
Correct response and explanations : The correct answer is (B) because it is a linking adverb. (A), (C) and (D) relate to other cases.
Bright Listening : 30 minutes
In this second section of Bright Deutsch, it is about the candidate’s ability to understand Germany orally which is tested. Here, you have to listen to a sentence (which you can be replayed as many times as you want) and answer the corresponding question with 3 choices to choose from. The Bright Listening section contains a total of 60 questions.
To help you better understand the exercise, here are a few examples:
Example 1 :
You hear : “Mit elf Prozent bleiben sie die Nummer eins in dem Geschäftsfel.”
You need to choose between these three choices:
- A. In jedem Fall bleiben sie Nummer eins.
- B. Es ist möglich, die Nummer eins zu bleiben.
- C. Sie werden nie wieder Nummer eins sein.
Correct response and explanations : The correct answer is (B). (A) means this is bound to happen. (C) implies that this will never happen.
Example 2 :
You hear : “Vor dem Gebäude sind Zivilbeamte des Staatsschutzes postiert.”
You need to choose from :
- A. Die Beamten waren in zvil.
- B. Die Uniform war sehr schön
- C. Alle waren uniformiert.
Correct response and explanations : The correct answer is (A). Proposition (B) is not true and (C) expresses the opposite of the sentence which is heard.
Example 3 :
You hear : “Es handelt sich nach wie vor um ein eingeschossiges Gebäude”
You need to choose from :
- A. A. Es hat nur eine Etage.
- B. Es hat viele Stockwerke.
- C. Es sind mehrer Häuser.
Correct response and explanations : The correct answer is (A). (B) says the opposite and (C) means that there are several houses.
What is the time frame for Bright Deutsch ?
Unlike many other language exams, Bright doesn't make candidates wait for long. Whether it’s registration or accessing results, the waiting time is minimal or almost non-existent (amounting to only a few minutes).
Bright Language : a “top secret” score calculation
This is where the main gray area lies, when it comes to the Bright tests as the details of the score calculation cannot be disclosed. In accordance with the policy of this review, we can therefore only pass on some essential information about the Bright Deutsch score. These are also available on the website of the Bright Language organization .
For the Bright Deutsch test, scores vary from 0 to 5. The score 0 corresponds to a beginner level and 5 to that of a bilingual. The results of this test are in equivalence with the A1-C2 levels established by the CEFR, which makes their interpretation all the more easier.
Our advise to get a good score on the Bright Deutsch
The key to getting a good score at Bright Deutsch? Good preparation! We advise you to revise your grammar, enrich your vocabulary and practice your written and oral comprehension several weeks before the D-day. To do so, various means remain at your disposal: online training on the GlobalExam platform, exam annals, films and books in German, German radio and TV, creation of revision sheets, etc. We can also give you some advice to better understand the two sections of the test and avoid melting down on the day of the exam. :
- For the Bright Deutsch Reading : read each sentence by successively trying each of the options that are given. Then proceed by elimination to give your answer. Even if you are not sure, always answer something to get a chance and obtain points, an absence of an answer translates to a score of 0 for the question. Manage your time properly and take no more than 30 seconds per sentence.
- For the Bright Deutsch Listening : quickly find the keywords you heard in the sentence, in order to quickly understand the overall context, without pondering on any words you do not know. You will also save time by responding through an elimination process. Last but not least, always answer each question, even if you are not sure of the answer. There are no negative points in the score calculation of Bright Deutsch, but an unanswered question is equal to 0. Also pay attention to the timing and do not spend more than 30 seconds on each question. After 60 seconds of no response, the software automatically goes to the next sentence.
If you wish to register for the Bright Deutsch, you will need to go through an organization who has an agent contract with Bright Language. There are many centers all around the globe such as France, USA, Canada etc. You can find the list of centers on the official BRIGHT website. Registration can be carried out online, through phone or directly by going to one of these approved centers.
To validate the registration at Bright Deutsch, you will first need to complete a registration form in which you will be asked for your personal information (surname, first name(s), date and place of birth, full contact details, etc.). You will also need to specify the Bright test you wish to take and indicate your payment method. To be able to pass the Bright Deutsch, you have to pay between 80 and 120 euros depending on the center, all taxes included. The means of payment also vary according to the establishments organizing the test, but they do generally include bank cards, transfers, checks, Paypal payments.
Right after registration, the candidate is invited to take the test in the same breath. Once the test is over, the person obtains the result in a few minutes. This result remains valid for a period of two years.
Bright Deutsch is a standardized exam and therefore is made up of a standard structure, so it is necessary to become familiar with it. It is not enough to be naturally good in German to gain success in the test, since the latter has its own rules and timing, which need to be known in advance otherwise one may risk wasting too much time on the day of the exam.
Good preparation before the exam is therefore the key to achieving a good score. Indeed, preparing yourself in advance for the Bright Deutsch, will allow you to become familiar with the specific instructions and the specific course of the test, to be comfortable on the D-Day and quickly understand what is expected out of you.
To avoid ending up with a case for which you would not have prepared on the day of the exam, it is important to mainly work on mock exam subjects. This type of training will allow you to be prepared for all possible eventualities. It will avoid any unpleasant surprises on the day of the Bright Deutsch.
Try out the free version of the Bright Deutsch test at GlobalExam !
GlobalExam is the first e-learning platform entirely dedicated to preparing for language exams.
GlobalExam offers two ways to prepare for the Bright Deutsch test in its offer :
- The Training mode, made up of standard exercises for both parts of the test (written comprehension and oral comprehension).
- The Test mode which includes several mock exam topics, with their corrections. This way you can train with the authentic exam conditions and timing.
All the content of our platform is written by competent teachers and language experts. Preparing for Bright Deutsch on GlobalExam will allow you to understand the structure of the exercises in depth but also the test in great detail, an indispensable prerequisite for your success.
In addition to the Training and Examination modes, your answers and your progress statistics are saved and accessible at any given time in the “Statistics and Corrections” section. You will be able to follow your progress and identify your weaknesses, in order to improve on a daily basis. Personalized statistics and corrections are also one of the key elements, to prepare for and pass Bright Deutsch with flying colors, thanks to GlobalExam.
Good online training combines corrected exercises to put your knowledge into practice but also resources to revise and learn. GlobalExan aims to put all the tools at your disposal to prepare the best you can and make you head towards success. You will therefore also find many educational files on our platform (stored in the "Files and Revisions"section) containing the key notions of grammar and vocabulary, that may be assessed during Bright Deutsch
To help you with the organization and logistics, we regularly publish articles on practical subjects on our blog, such as test registration methods, examination centers in France, not to mention how the score is calculated.