Become an IT & Cybersecurity pro in English!
Master the English vocabulary related to your sector of activity.
Why master the IT & Cybersecurity course in English?
Do you want to hone your English skills in the field of IT & Cybersecurity? Learn the vocabulary specific to IT equipment and infrastructure on the IT & Cybersecurity course! Discuss an IT project effectively, by explaining objectives, stages and expected outcomes. You'll soon be able to communicate on the critical importance of cybersecurity, by making stakeholders aware of the risks and by promoting good data protection practices.
If you work in cybersecurity (or seeking a career in cybersecurity) you should already know that it is a field filled with English words. One can say that English IS the core language of cybersecurity. You might even already know a few english words without even knowing it: program, back-end, HTML… these are basic words, but essential to the job of programming. The more you understand about the words you work with, the better you can be at your own job!
The very international nature of Cybersecurity is also a good enough reason why you should learn English: you will encounter a lot of english words but you will also work with people from a lot of different countries! They might be english, they might not be… It is essential for you to know how to communicate in order to cooperate with other co workers you may meet in your career. Teamwork is very important!
Let’s get back to basics first: how can you learn new vocabulary words? Well, any vocabulary in general?
Tip #1: Start to identify the most common words within your own field
It should give you a nice base to start with. They can be specific words (like framework, open source, front-end…) or more general words you want to learn (idioms like “moving along”, check-in etc…) You can then build this list up as you encounter more words. Just remember that it is more productive to start with a small list that you build up as you go rather than a huge one. If your list is too long, you won’t have the time to read because it is too overwhelming! Start small, and improve as you go.
Tip #2: Keep this list somewhere handy.
A notebook that you can carry everywhere, your agenda, your phone… any support is good, as long as you can access and read it easily. Make sure you understand the words and how they are used, make simple sentences.
Tip #3: Spend 10min every day doing little memorization exercises
Write your word down on a blank piece of paper, read it, hide it, try to remember and repeat the process.
Tip #4: Create flashcards: it’s a great way to memorize vocabulary
Write down the word you want to learn on a piece of paper and the definition on the back. You can either try to find the word that matches the definition or find the definition of the word! The more various exercises you do, the best it is.
Everytime you finish these, note down which words were easy to remember and those who weren’t: focus on these in your next session. This will allow you to focus on your difficulties, this way you will master them in no time!
Tip #5: Create a mini poster
You can pin in your home, especially if you have a visual memory.
Write your list on a paper or a sticker and pin it on a wall at your desk, in your kitchen, in your toilets... the secret is to pin it somewhere you see everyday! You will learn your words without even thinking about it! Stickers are especially great if you want to learn vocab words related to objects you actually see. (put one on your computer that says “computer”, one near your mouse, your keyboard etc…)
Tip #6: Find out how YOU work
These are great general tips, but it doesn’t mean it applies to anybody. To learn efficiently, you have to find in which conditions you learn best: do you need to write to memorize something? To see/read it? to hear it? There are tons of activities that can suit these methods, find what work best for you!
Remember that consistency is key: repeat the words every day, anytime you can and you will master any new vocabulary in no time.
Key information
IT & Cybersecurity Course
Total duration: 12h
35 real-life situations to give you hands-on training
400 corrected exercises to help you progress step by step
Certification at the end of the course to validate your level
Available level: Intermediate
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Do you want to be confident in English for your professional life?
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IT & Cybersecurity course: what you need to know
In this section you will find 18 words you should absolutely learn if you plan on working in Cybersecurity!
API – Application Programming Interface, programming code that allows data communication between software
applets – small applications which perform a specific task within a larger program; in Java, they’re designed to be a part of a Web page
back end – in software engineering, the part of the application or system on the server side
browser – a computer program with a graphical user interface for displaying and navigating between web pages.
compile – to convert into machine code, or into a form which a program can execute. Beware, “to compile” means “to be converted”, and “to run” means “to execute.”
CSS – Cascading Style Sheets, a language used to define the formatting of HTML elements, i.e., font size, color, spacing
to execute – to execute a program is to start a program in order for it “to run”. In general, people run a program and the system executes it.
framework – the basic structure of a concept or system
front end – in software engineering, the part of the application or system on the client side
HTML – Hyper-Text Markup Language, the standard language for displaying documents in a web browser
Java – a programming language that is designed to be general run on every platform
Python – is a high-level programming language designed to be easy to read and simple to implement. It is open source, which means it is free to use, even for commercial applications.
object-oriented – organized around data, or objects, instead of logic or functions
open source – freely available to the public, so people can modify and share it
to run – syn. to execute a program
moving along – when a process or situation is continuing and making progress
intranet – It is the company's internal communications network
touch base - to get in contact with someone
Hop on on GlobalExam and find everything you need to improve your english:
- Vocabulary revision sheets: we have a lot of thematic vocabulary sheets you can use to learn and revise when you need.
- Our Business lessons are tailored to your needs, you can choose if you want to be more comfortable in your conversations, if you want to improve your efficiency within your own field or if you just want to improve in a general way!
You can choose between four different goals to focus on:
Boost your career, which is a set of tailor-made situations, created to enable you to develop your skills within your profession such as marketing, communication, human resources, sales, purchasing, CSM or management
Boost your skills, which is a set of concrete and story-driven situations, organized around the same topic such as negotiation, write a professional email, manage a project, manage interculturality, recruitment, answer the phone, travelling in business, conducting a meeting or greeting a client
Master your industry with a program made to access skills in English related to a particular industry and become a pro such as building construction, health and pharma, tourism, ...
Test my level a program divided in three levels (beginner, intermediate, expert) which is a set of situations grouped by level of difficulty, to progress in all the themes. Improve your level across the board with vocabulary lists and grammar sheets.
Our Business platform is here to guide you and help you in your training. Improve your English to improve the way you work: with new vocabulary but also essential idioms and knowledge you should know in order to understand the world of cybersecurity and communicate with your team.
Complete different situations on our Business Cybersecurity program to unlock new challenges. These situations are based on real life experiences, you have to complete a certain set of them in order to unlock challenges. These challenges are here to check your new knowledge and make sure you understood everything correctly. Once you’ve completed your ten first situations, you can unlock your first challenge, which is the revision challenge. It will allow you to check what you’ve learned so far. From fifteen situations completed, you will unlock the pet peeve challenge, which focuses on your mistakes to help you improve what you learned where you need it most!
As you can see, our lessons are highly tailored to your needs and how you learn, we believe this is the most efficient way to improve.
Here is a sneak peek of what you will be able to find on one of our Programming and Development lesson:
→ our lessons will provide you with a better understanding of working on a team project
→ you will become more familiar with using the modal forms of verbs
→ use specific IT vocabulary
Our lesson are inspired by real like work situations, for example:
“Have you ever worked on a project with an international team? Today, more and more IT/Cybersecurity projects involve members from various countries. Communication is key for staying on the same page.”
Then, to make sure you understood the lesson correctly, some questions or mini activities related to what you learned will be asked to you, like the “associate” type of exercise :
Question 1: Match the synonyms
as planned |
as scheduled |
template |
frame |
to design |
to create |
to evaluate |
to test |
Our corrections, (like the following one from the “associate” exercise) are always in-depth, so you can check if you understood everything correctly:
“Think about some typical steps when working on a website project. If you want things to go as planned, you need to create a template before developing the front end. A good idea toward the end of the project is to test the design with users.”
You will also be able to find some fun facts along with your lessons, your general knowledge is put to the test too! Would you be surprised to know that the first programmer was a woman?
Along with vocabulary sheets and online lessons, you can learn through our remote classes: GlobalExam offers desktop, mobile friendly video coaching.
They can either be :
- Individual (30min class): the theme of the lesson is free and nothing is imposed, you choose what you need and let your teacher know what you would like to work on.
- Collective (1h class, up to 6 people): these are often great for role playing in-work situations. See our available themes below.
Making a phone call - every wednesday 6pm
Planning a meeting - every Thursday 7pm
Giving a presentation - every Friday 6pm
Participating in video & conference calls - every Friday 7pm
Our remote video coaching is a great way to go further in your e-learning process. If you have a question, something you didn’t quite grasped, our teachers are here to help you. All of our teachers are qualified native speakers and follow your progress all the way through. They give you instant feedback which can help you focus right away on what you lack, or what you mastered!
Video coaching is a very efficient way to work your english skills “in-situation”, it is a way to apply what you learned and check that you understood everything perfectly in your lesson.
With these kinds of lessons, you’ll be sure to improve your pronunciation and your oral comprehension as well, a key to improve any new language. It is essential you master vocabulary words, but your oral skills too. Our native teachers are here to improve your pronunciation and to help you with speech delivery. Something difficult to do with just a lesson you read alone!
We are convinced that the more you practice, the more you can improve. We believe in cooperation and our collective classes are here to help you too, they enable sharing experiences and skills. This is another awesome way to improve: learn from others.